Sunday 23 July 2017


I put the trap out last night but not with great optimism after an afternoon and early evening of continuous rain. We have a group of elderly people coming to tea later on (my latent baking skills have been revived with a rather crisp looking Cherry Madeira) and I'd like to show them a moth or two.

As I expected, the eggboxes were only thinly populated. The air in the garden was still moisty this morning and flying through it overnight, if you were moth-sized, would have been a damp experience. But there were sufficient nice things for my purpose, among them the Black Arches and Small Phoenix shown here.

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I admit that today's post may seem a bit of an advert for Burford Brown eggs - perhaps they would like to sponsor me. But I'm not very apologetic because both these moths chose the same box and anyway the eggs are extremely nice. More expensive but worth it for the treat. More to the point, and the reason for my headline, is that my tally of moth species in the garden here has now topped 400. Huzza!

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