...and the happiest of New Years too. Things have been very quiet here since I last posted, with few nights of trapping and nary a moth to show for it. Don't imagine that the trap has become redundant, however.
Behold! It is enjoying a new, 12-day role as a Christmas bauble.

The container is the partly-built treehouse which Penny and I are making for our granddaughter; slowly, because that is how increasingly we do most things, but at a reasonable pace because it needs to be finished before she is old enough to an express an opinion like that demanding little girl who harasses her Dad about her treehouse in the TV ads.
With the help of our younger son Olly, we cut stars (and a moon; she is
very keen on the moon) in old cardboard boxes from our move, blocked up the windows and Bingo! I hope you like the effect.
Whether any moths are attracted by this strange object, will be an interesting issue. I will report after Twelfth Night.
Meanwhile, I hope that you and yours have a very happy time.