A sensitive colleague on the Guardian emailed last night to say, very touchingly, that she checked out this journal last night for a nice moth viewing, to sustain her in London's dreadful Tube, and was mortified to discover a
dead bird. Oh dear, sorry. So here, as a cheerful recompense, is this journal's first-ever cartoon, prompted by doing a story about Wilmslow in Cheshire, the town socially divided into A-streets and B-streets (think Wisteria Lane, American friends). The Golden Y moths strike me as very much like the women of affuent Cheshire ('Orange ladies' as my boys used to call their Yorkshire equivalents, who do terrible things to their skin in tanning furnaces). All Prada stuff and Moschino, or is it Mosquito?, handbags. I'm sorry the bubbles are so amateur. Penny specially dislikes the red writing but I don't know how to change it. Today is P's birthday btw, so please fill the Comment box to overflowing with tributes...

(sung to the tune of "Happy Birthday") Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday dear Pen-ny, Happy Birthday to you!!!!! xxs
PS Love the cartoon! Hope you are doing something smashing for the big day.
Happy birthday indeed! Tell the moths: Go! Godspeed! And enjoy a happy birthday, in the best place in Leed (s)
xxx Your Rawdon fans
wooo! happy birthday to the superdupermegamum! xxx
Hey Sarah! Penny's deeply moved and pleased - and same to the Rawdon gang and of course Olly, who's celebrating with us today on various moth-free pleasure sprees. Just off now on another (secret) one to end the day...
Happy birthdaaay toooooo you..happy birthday tooo youuu...hope all the moths gather in wishing you a huge happy birthday! hurray for 60th lanterns! xxxxxx
************* HIP HIP HOOOOOORRAYY ***************
Sending you 60 virtual chinese lanterns of joy and mothfuls of love! xxxx
happy happy birthday penny!!!
enjoy your perfectly portioned spaghetti and brooches for all occasions :)
tons of love and birthday wishes
Very nice sellection of moth Images.
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