OK, this is a bit of an Anorak Zone...

...but moth records are important, not only as a guide to the number of species around but also as indicators of the general health of the animal world. In Nature, pretty much everything is eating everything else and moths are at the bottom of a food chain which includes birds, bats and small mammals and, in turn, larger creatures which predate on them.

  I am not  good record-keeper but I am trying to improve, partly to do my little bit to counter the gloom which too often attends discussion - especially in the media - about the natural environment. The loss of species makes news; the arrival of new species seldom does. And yet the moths of the UK have shown a net gain in the past century in terms of numbers of different types. I would not be surprised if their overall numbers have risen too, or at least held their ground.

  We know an awful lot, we humans, but we don't know everything and we don't know enough.  The more people who take up light-trapping, the more we will know about moths.

  So here are mine, with micro-moths given their Linnean names in Italic first, followed by English names where these exist. I am gradually adding pictures, all from the blog, and hope in due course and the good Lord (or Lady) permitting, to further add dates etc which may ultimately make the whole thing of some use.  Update on 3 December 2015: actually, I am getting into the swing of this and adding caterpillars too. It may eventually prove to be quite a handy guide for others trying to ID their moths. Further Update: as of 22nd September 2019, the tally is 412.

Should anyone wish to use any of my pictures non-commercially, you are warmly welcome to do so, but I'd be grateful if you could acknowledge, or even better link to, the blog.

  Oh, and if you spot any mistakes (not unheard-of on Martin's Moths...) please put them right in Comments (about a mile below at the end of the list) or let me know in some other way. Much obliged.

Update on 20 January 2020: Below the - rather long, sorry - column of photos, I have added a chronological list of moths recorded on this blog - so far from April 2013 when we moved to Oxfordshire. I hope to add the Leeds years - 2008-13 - later and possibly, so great is my ambition, to relist them by species at some later date.  Let no one deny that I am an optimist!


Acleris aspersana on an oakeapple
And not on an oakapple
Acleris cristana
Acleris emargana (or possibly newly-separated species
A.effractana) but this is rarer. Dissection required
to be sure and that's not my thing
Acleris ferrugana
Acleris forsskaleana
Acleris forsskaleana again, with a more distinctive
'love heart', caught appropriately on Penny's birthday

Acleris holmiana
Acleris laterana
Acleris sparsana
Acleris variegana
Acrobasis advenella
Agapeta hamana
And another, facing the same way

Agapeta zoegana
Aglossa pinguinalis

Agonopterix alstromeriana
Agonopterix arenella
Agonopterix heracliana
Agriphila straminella

Agriphila tristella - also shown below

Aleimma loeflingiana

Anania coronata
Anania Coronata again - showing its size on my hand

Anania hortulata
Anania perlucidalis

Aphelia paleana
And again, closer to
Aphomoa sociella - Bee moth
Apotomis betuletana
Archips xylosteana - Variegated Golden Tortrix

Argyresthia goedartella
August Thorn
Autumnal (or Pale Autumnal or November
which are indistinguishable without dissection which I don't do.
Autumnal Rustic
Bagworm spp
Bagworm - Diplodoma lairchartingella (I think)
Barred Hook-tip
Barred Sallow
Barred Straw(s)
Barred Yellow
Batia unitella (now Crassa u. after one of those scientific
 debates mentioned in the introduction to this page.
Batia (Crassa) unitella again, after a dodgy landing
 in the trap, possibly brushing the bulb
Batia (Crassa) unitella - the same moth as
 above from a different angle
Beaded Chestnut
Beautiful China-mark
Beautiful Hook-tip
Beautiful Plume

Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta econymella)

Black Arches
Black Rustic in dawn's early light
And in the noonday sun

Blair's Shoulder-knot

Bloodvein again - in a slightly different pose
Blotched Emerald

Blue-bordered Carpet

Bordered Beauty

Bordered Pug
Bordered Pug (I think; may be mis-IDed)
Bordered Sallow (snuggling up on right)
Bordered Straw

Bright-line Brown-eye
Brimstone, turning her back on a Common Footman
Brindled Beauty
Brindled Green
Brindled Pug
Broad-barred White
Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
Broken-barred Crpet
Brown China-mark
Brown Plume
Brown Rustic
Brown Scallop

Brown Silver-line

Brown-line Bright-eye

Brown-spot Pinion
Bud moth (Spilonata occellana)
Buff Ermine
Buff Arches
Bulrush Wainscot

Burnished Brass
And a couple more Burnished Brasses


Calamotropha paludella

Caloptilia elongelia
Caloptilia elongelia from another angle
Caloptilia semifascia - Autumn generation

Canary-shouldered Thorn
And again. I couldn't resist adding this
 favourite view of a Canary-shouldered Thorn

Carcina quercana
Carnation Tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana)

Catoptria falsella
Catoptria pinella
Celypha lacunana

Celypha striana
Centre-barred Sallow
Chinese Character
Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)

Chrysotechia culmella
Cinnabar caterpillar
Clifden Nonpareil - top moth!
Clouded Minor
Clouded Border
Clouded Drab - can you see it? Excellent camouflage
Clouded Silver
Clouded-bordered Brindle
Clouded-bordered Brindle, form combusta
Cochylis atricapitana
Cocylimorpha straminea
Common Carpet
Common Emerald
And here again - colours in Emeralds both vary and quickly fade

Common Footman
Common Marbled Carpet - a very variable moth
As you can see here - a darker Common Marbled Carpet
And a third - like most Carpet moths, the Common Marbled
sometimes folds its wings like a butterfly
Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla). Emmeline the monoplane
And again, a lighter-coloured example
Common Quaker - a very variable moth...
...as you can see from this second example
Common or Lesser Common Rustic - dissection needed to tell apart
Common Swift, getting ready for take-off
And again, a Common Swift in a more familiar pose
Common Wainscot - the pinky version
And the 'standard', lighter version
Common White Wave, plus my fingertip
And the same, a Common White Wave closer-up
Copper Underwing - or Svenson's Copper Underwing - very hard to tell apart
Copper Underwing/Svensson's - the reason for the name
If the underwing has this black marking, it's a standard Copper Underwing
Coxcomb Prominent
Crambus lathionellus
Crambus perlella
Crassa unitella - see Batia unitella, above
Cream Wave
Currant Pug
Cydia splendana
Dark Arches
Dark Chestnut
Dark Marbled Carpet
Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis heperana)
Dark Spectacle
Dark Spinach
Dark Umber (female)

Dark Umber (male)

Dark Swordgrass (top, with Lunar Underwing below)

Death's Head Hawk (photographed in Kirtlington, Oxon
 - the only moth in this list not photographed in my garden at Leeds
and later, Oxford. But one day...
Another of the same - with my hand for good measure
December moth
Deep Brown Dart
Ditula augustiorana (Red-barred Tortrix)
Diurnea flagella
Dingy Footman
Dingy Shell

Donacaula forficella

And again, from above

Dot moth
Dotted Border
Dotted Chestnut
Double Lobed
Double Square-spot

Drinkers plural - she's on the left and he's on the right
Another, different Dun-bar. It's a very variable moth
Dusky Brocade
Dusky Sallow

Dusky Scalloped Oak

Dusky Thorn

Early Grey
Early Tooth-striped (I think)
Early Thorn

Elachista apicipunctella
Elephant Hawk
Emperor (male) bred from an egg
One of these eggs in fact, seen with Mum
Her she is in her splendour - and even
 more so on the header to this blog
Endotricha flammealis

Ephestia parasitella
Epiphyas postvittana (Light Brown Apple)
Epiblema foenella
Ethmia dodecea
Eucosma cana
Eucosma obumbratana
European Corn Borer - Ostrinia nubilalis

Eyed Hawk 


And Fan-foot again, from the side whence it resembles a Snout
Feathered Gothic
Feathered Thorn
Figure of 80
The Flame
Flame Carpet
Flame Shoulder
Flounced Rustic
Four-spotted Footman
Freyer's Pug
Frosted Green
Frosted Orange
Garden Carpet
Garden Dart (I think)
Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)

Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)

Garden Tiger

Ghost moth - male
Ghost moth - female
Gold (or Lempke's Gold) Spot - too hard to tell the
 difference without microscopic examination
Gold Triangle - Hypsopygia costalis
And again - Gold Triangle in its usual resting position
Grass Veneer spp - grateful for help over which it is of several species

Green Arches

Green Carpet

Green Oak Tortrix (Tortrix viridiana) with Common Emerald behind
Green Pug
Green Silver-lines
Green-brindled Crescent
Green-brindled Crescent form capucina
Grey or Dark Dagger - requires dissection to tell the difference
Grey Pine Carpet
Grey Shoulder-knot (hoping for better photo one day)


Heart and Club
Heart and Dart, with snail
Hebrew Character
Honeysuckle - Ypsolopha dentella
Hummingbird Hawk
And again - Hummingbird Hawk
A third Hummingbird Hawk, in flight
Hypsopigia glaucinalis - in the limelight

And in shade - more realistic colouring

Iron Prominent


Juniper Carpet
The Juniper Carpet's eerie face - Jeremy Corbyn?


Knot Grass

Large Emerald
Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)

Large Nutmeg
Large Twin-spot Carpet
Large Wainscot
Large Yellow Underwing

Latticed Heath

Lead-coloured Drab

Least Black Arches

Least Carpet

Least Yellow Underwing

Leek Moth (Acrolepiopsis assectela)

Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing

Lesser Cream Wave

Lesser Swallow Prominent
Lesser Treble-bar

Lesser Treble-bar form fimbriata

Lesser Yellow Underwing

Light Arches
Light Brocade

Light Emerald
Lime Hawk
Lime Hawk var Brunnea
Lime-speck pug
Lozotaeniodes formosana

Lunar-spotted Pinion
Lunar Underwing, grey

Lunar Underwing, brown

Lunar Underwing, cappucino

Maiden's Blush - lovely moth, lovely name

Marbled Brown
Marbled Beauty
Marbled Coronet
Marbled Green, with wasp
Marbled White-spot
March Moth
Marbled Minor
Merveille du Jour (Top Moth!)

Mint Moth (Pyrausta aurata)

Middle-barred Minor

Mompha subistrigella (and my pyjamas again)
Mother of Pearl
Mottled Beauty (and pyjamas again)

Mottled Pug

Mottled Rustic (I think)

Mouse Moth

Muslin Footman



Nematapogon metaxella

And again, although ID-ing these scraps with my level of photography is dodgy

Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana)
Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer)

November Moth

Nut-tree Tussock

Oak Beauty
Oak Tree Pug

Oak Hook-tip

Oblique Carpet

Obscure Wainscot

Old Lady

Orange Footman

Orange Sallow

Orange Swift


Pale Brindled Beauty

Pale Eggar

Pale Mottled Willow

Pale Oak Beauty (I think)

Pale Pinion

Pale Prominent
Pale Tussock

Pale-shouldered Brocade
Pammene aurita

Pandemis cerasama - Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix
Peach Blossom

Pebble Hook-tip
Pebble Prominent
Peppered, standard and melanic


Phtheochroa nugozana

Pine Beauty

Pine Hawk

Pink-barred Sallow

Plain Golden Y (I think)

Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back)

Poplar Hawk - the second-ever picture on the blog, in June 2008
Poplar Grey
Poplar Kitten

Powdered Quaker

Privet Hawk - close-up blush

Privet Hawk - what a whopper!

Privet Hawk, overshadowing a Common Swift
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana
Purple Bar

Purple Thorn

Puss Moth
Pyla (Matilella) Fusca (I think)
Pyrausta purpuralis


Red Chestnut

Red-green Carpet

Red-line Quaker

Red Twin-spot Carpet

Red Underwing
Ditto, from top with glimpse of skirt

And finally the usual resting position, more demure

Reddish Light Arches
Riband Wave

Ditto - smokey version

Ringed China-mark - female
Ringed China-mark - male. I think he gets the better deal

Rosy Rustic

Round-winged Muslin

Ruby Tiger
Rustic Shoulder-knot

Rusty-dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis)


Sallow Kitten
Sandy Carpet

Satellite - detail of the mark which gives the moth its name

Scalloped Hazel

Scalloped Oak

Scarlet Tiger

Schoenobius gigantella from above

And from the side
Scoparia pyralella
Scorched Carpet
Scorched Wing

Scrobipalpa acuminatella or Aproaerema anthyllidella
or even Scythris picaepennis

September Thorn


Setaceous Hebrew Character
Shaded Broad-bar


Shoulder Stripe
Shoulder-striped Wainscot
Shuttle-shape Dart
And another, different one. The Shuttle-shape
 Dart is another very variable moth
Silver-ground Carpet

Silver Y

Single(!)-dotted Wavw

Six-striped Rustic

Slender Brindle
Small Blood-vein
Small Brindled Beauty (I think)
Small China-mark
Small Dotted Buff

Small Dusty Wave (I think)
Yes (see pic immediately above) because here's one I found in Bloomsbury, London

Small Elephant Hawk
Small Magpie

Small Phoenix

Small Quaker

Small Rivulet

Small Scallop

Small Seraphim

Small Square-dot

Small Wainscot

Small Waved Umber

Small White Wave

Smoky Wainscot

Spectacle - the first-ever picture on the blog, in June 2008

Spindle Ermine (Yponomeuta cagnagella)


Spruce Carpet

Square-spot Rustic
Straw Dot

Straw Underwing
Swallow Prominent


Tawny-barred Angle

Tawny Marbled Minor
Tawny Pinion

Tawny Speckled Pug

Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana)
Toadflax Pug
Treble Bar
Treble Lines
Tree-lichen Beauty
Triangle Plume (Platypilia gonodactyla)


Twenty Plume (Alucita hexadactyla)

Twin-spot Carpet

Twin-spot Quaker

Twin-spotted Wainscot (Why the grander 'spotted'? I know not.


Udea lutealis

Udea olivalis

Uncertain. Along with the Confused, an apt name



Varied Coronet


Vine's Rustic


Water Veneer

Waved Umber

Wax Moth (Galleria mellonella) side view

Wax Moth top view

White Ermine

White Pinion-spotted

White Plume (Pterophorus pentadactyla)


White Satin
White-spotted Pug
Willow Beauty from above

Willow Beauty heading your way

Winter Moth in unusual 'butterfly pose' from the side

Winter Moth from above


Yellow-barred Brindle

Yellow-line Quaker

Yellow Shell

Yellow Straw


Ypsolopha sequella

And that's the lot. For now...

Meanwhile, here are my written records by date - a small selection of the thousands of moths which have paid me a call over the years.

Moth Records   The Barn, Thrupp, Kidlington, Oxon OX5 1JY  Grid Ref SP480158 All found in or near the MV light trap unless otherwise stated


29 Apr Diurnea fagella (Sometimes called March Dagger)
30 Apr Hebrew Character (many)  Common Quaker (many)  Nut-tree Tussock
1 May Early Grey
3 May Nut-tree Tussock  Hebrew Character (7)  Twin-spot Quaker
4 May Small Quaker (2)  Powdered Quaker  Brindled Pug
8 May Chocolate-tip 
9 May Least Black Arches  V-Pug  Early Thorn
16 May Chocolate-tip 
17 May Swallow Prominent Muslin (2) Flame Shoulder
18 May (my birthday) Pebble Prominent  Swallow Prominent  Lesser Swallow Prominent  White Ermine Muslin  Nut-tree Tussock  Chocolate-tip  Waved Umber  Red Twin-spot Carpet   Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab 
20 May Waved Umber  Common Quaker  Green Carpet (2)  Red Twin-spot Carpet (2)
21 May Clouded Border  Clouded Silver  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Common Quaker (Agonopterix arenella
22 May Poplar Hawk  Bright-line Brown-eye  Chocolate-tip (7)  Pebble Prominent
24 May Large Tabby (Aglossa pinguinalis)
25 May Green Carpet
26 May Hebrew Character  Pale Prominent
27 May Hebrew Character (2)  Muslin  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Pale Pinion
28 May Cinnabar (2)  Iron Prominent  Swallow Prominent (3)  Brimstone  Twin-spot Carpet  Least Black Arches  White Ermine  Muslin  Common Quaker  Green Carpet (3)
29 May Early Tooth-striped  Green Carpet
30 May Swallow Prominent (2)  Brimstone  Shuttle-shape Dart  Rustic Shoulder-knot 
31 May Pine Beauty  Common White Wave  White Ermine  Brimstone  Clouded Silver  Bright-line Brown-eye  Poplar Hawk  Iron Prominent  Shoulder Flame  Green Carpet (12)
2 Jun Cinnabar 
3 Jun Green Carpet (14)  Pale Tussock Buff-tip 
6 Jun Shears  Silver-ground Carpet  White Ermine (3)  Pebble Prominent (2)  Green Carpet (5)  Chocolate-tip  Red Twin-spot Carpet
7 Jun Common Swift (3)  Green Carpet (many)  Twin-spot Carpet  Brimstone (2)  Flame Shoulder  Hebrew Character  Brown Rustic 
8 Jun Puss  Chinese Character  Flame  Lychnis 
10 Jun Clouded-bordered Brindle  Bright-line Brown-eye  Small Square-spot
11 Jun Meal (Pyralis farinalis) in house
12 Jun Eyed Hawk  Scorched Wing  Oblique Carpet  Pale Tussock  Spectacle  Common Wainscot  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Heart and Dart  Shears  Angle Shades  Treble Lines  Common Marbled Carpet 
15 Jun Ghost (f)  Poplar Hawk  Green Carpet 
16 Jun Coronet  Peppered  Small Magpie  Poplar Grey Cochylis antricapitana
18 Jun Buff Ermine (2)  White Ermine (2)  Green Carpet  Bright-line Brown-eye  Snout  Buff-tip  Marbled Minor  Middle-barred Minor  Garden Carpet  Grass Rivulet  Beautiful Golden Y Celypha lacunana  Common Marbled Carpet  Large Nutmeg  Grey Pug  Brown Rustic
20 Jun Elephant Hawk (7)  Poplar Hawk 
21 Jun Coxcomb Prominent  Elephant Hawk  Peppered  Buff Tip  Lime-speck Pug 
22 Jun Privet Hawk  Common Swift 
23 Jun Burnished Brass (3)  Phtheocroa rugosana  Straw Dot  Mottled Beauty  Oblique Carpet  Aphelia palanea  Clouded Silver 
25 Jun Peppered (2 - one melanic)  Cinnabar
26 Jun Elephant Hawk (2)  Burnished Brass (5)
27 Jun Privet Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Peppered  Bright-line Brown-eye  White Ermine  Buff Ermine  Scarlet Tiger 
28 Jun Grey/Dark Dagger  Small Magpie  Snout  Large Yellow Underwing  Scoparia pyralella  Udea olivalis  Willow Beauty  Brown Rustic  White Ermine  Aphomia sociella (Bee moth) 
30 Jun White Plume  Elephant Hawk (7)  Small Elephant Hawk 
1 Jul Lobster  Cinnabar 
2 Jul Elephant Hawk  Spectacle  Pebble Prominent  Pale Prominent  Brimstone  Celypha striana 
3 Jul Barred Straw  Blood-vein  Flame  Light Emerald
4 Jul Beautiful Hook-tip  Shoulder-striped Wainscot  Miller
5 Jul Dark Arches
6 Jul Swallowtailed  Six-spot Burnet (5)  Privet Hawk (2)  Elephant Hawk (2)  Peppered (6)  Peach Blossom  Small Magpie
7 Jul Lilac Beauty
8 Jul Drinker  Muslin Footman  Riband Wave (2, both kinds)
9 Jul Blotched Emerald  Light Emerald  Green Oak Tortrix  Common Emerald
10 Jul Adela (spp)  Eyed Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Common Rustic  Buff Arches  Five-spot Burnet (Otmoor) 
11 Jul Poplar Grey  Coronet  Sycamore
12 Jul Ruby Tiger caterpillar
13 Jul Garden Tiger  Light Arches  Small Angle Shades  Lozotaeniodes formosana
14 Jul Scarlet Tiger (2) 
15 Jul White Satin  Common Emerald  Yellow-tail 
16 Jul Beautiful China-mark  Acleris forsskaleana  Blue-bordered Carpet  Ephestia kuehniella(Mediterranean Flour Moth)
17 Jul Brimstone (Great Tew)  Brimstone (trap)  Swallowtailed  Brown-line Bright-eye  Short-cloaked  Common Lutestring  Coronet  Rivulet  Mother of Pearl  Barred Straw(2)  Ghost (f)  Poplar Grey  Large Yellow Underwing 
18 Jul Leopard Scarlet Tiger 
20 Jul Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Herald  Barred Yellow  July Highflyer  Scalloped Oak  Clouded Silver  Agapeta hamana  Nut-tree Tussock 
21 Jul Yellow-tail  Small Emerald 
24 Jul Ghost (m and f)  Bright-eye Brown-line  Emerald  Marbled Beauty 
25 Jul Black Arches  Peppered (3)  Ruby Tiger  Grey/Dark Dagger  Beautiful Golden Y  Silver Y  Copper Underwing 
26 Jul Cinnabar caterpillars 
28 Jul Dingy Footman f stramineola  Common Footman  Scarce Footman  Mother of Pearl  Scalloped Oak Small Dotted Buff  Marbled Beauty  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Lesser Broad-bordered Underwing 
29 Jul Yellow-barred Brindle  Mother of Pearl (many)  Yellow-tail  Swallow Prominent  Lime-speck Pug  Brimstone  Small Phoenix  Dot  Common Footman  Peach Blossom  Beautiful Golden Y  Pebble Prominent   Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Early Thorn (indoors)  
30 Jul Orange Swift  Elephant Hawk (2)  Poplar Hawk  Light Arches  Common Rustic  Copper Underwing  Poplar Grey  Dun-bar  Nut-tree Tussock 
1 Aug Canary-shouldered Thorn  Purple Thorn  Crassa unitella   Chinese Character  Acleris holmiana  Cinnabar caterpillars 
2 Aug Marbled Green  Sallow Kitten  Dusky Sallow  Bordered Sallow  Vestal  Pebble Hook-tip 
3 Aug Cinnabar caterpillars 
4 Aug Agonopterix alstrumeriana  Apotomis betulana  Beaded Chestnut  Coronet  Double Square-spot   Least Bordered Underwing  Lesser Bordered Yellow Underwing  Lychnis  Nut-tree Tussock  Pyrausta purpuralis  Scoparia pyralella  Shaded Broad-bar  Shuttle-shape Dart 
5 Aug Marbled Minor  Swallowtailed  Buff Ermine  V-pug  Elephant Hawk  Clouded Silver 
6 Aug Pale Prominent  Pebble Prominent  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Straw Underwing  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Chequered Fruit Tree Tortrix 
7 Aug Chrysoteuchia culmella
8 Aug Chocolate-tip Lesser  Swallow Prominent  Coxcomb Prominent  Iron Prominent  Mother of Pearl  Common Rustic  Flounced Rustic  Straw Underwing  Cydia splendana  Agriphila straminella   Dark Arches  Common Carpet  Carcina querçana 
9 Aug Swallow Prominent  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Poplar Kitten  Argyresthia goedartella
10 Aug Spectacle  Rosy Rustic  Oblique Carpet 
11 Aug Gothic  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Agriphila tristella  Smoky Wainscot  Shaded Broad-bar  Small Waved Umber
13 Aug Poplar Hawk  Herald  Swallowtailed
14 Aug Swallow Prominent  Small Square-spot  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Straw Underwing  Flounced Rustic 
15 Aug Maiden's Blush  Red Underwing  Copper Underwing
17 Aug Ruby Tiger (15)  Silver Y (30)  Mother of Pearl (20)  Flame Shoulder  Flame  Common Rustic (all many)  Pebble Prominent  Iron Prominent  Pine Beauty  Coronet  Yellow Shell  Red Twin-spot Carpet
18 Aug Angle Shades  Common Swift  Yellow-barred Brindle  Common Wave
19 Aug Canary-shouldered Thorn  Burnished Brass  Feathered Gothic  Common Carpet
20 Aug Poplar Hawk (2)  Orange Swift (10)  Silver Y (many)  Flame Shoulder (many)  Shaded Broad-bar
21 Aug Centre-barred Sallow  Spectacle
22 Aug  Old Lady (2)  Poplar Hawk (2)  Red Underwing 
23 Aug Orange Swift
24 Aug Dark Swordgrass  Poplar Hawk (4)  Angle Shades  Spectacle (several)  Flame Shoulder (many)  Setaceous Hebrew Character (many)  Copper Underwing  Ringed China-mark  Feathered Gothic  Willow Beauty  Brown China-mark  Yellow Straw
25 Aug Garden Carpet  Shaded Broad-bar  Orange Swift  Red Twin-spot Carpet
26 Aug Gold Spot  Bordered Beauty  Frosted Orange  Small Waved Umber  Snout  Mother of Pearl
27 Aug Poplar Hawk (5) 
30 Aug Copper Underwing (treacling) 
31 Aug Red Underwing (5)  Old Lady (2)  Burnished Brass  Garden Carpet
1 Sept Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Angle Shades  Rosy Rustic  Small Square-spot  Flounced  Rustic  Large Yellow Underwing 
3 Sept Willow Beauty  Snout  Frosted Orange
5 Sept Centre-barred Sallow  Common Marbled Carpet
6 Sept Common Marbled Carpet  Dark Marbled Carpet
7 Sept Dark Marbled Carpet  Brown-spot Pinion  Heart and Dart  Cabbage  Nettle-tap (Anthophila facriciana)  Square-spot Rustic  Vine's Rustic
8 Sept Flounced Rustic
11 Sept Burnished Brass  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Large Yellow Underwing  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Snout  Lesser Yellow Underwing  Square-spot Rustic 
13 Sept  Straw Dot (2)  Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana)
15 Sept Brown-spot Pinion  Flounced Rustic
17 Sept Black Rustic  Lunar Underwing  Pammene aurita  Dark Swordgrass  Lesser Yellow Underwing Snout 
18 Sept Sallow  Autumnal Rustic  Brimstone  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Common Plume 
19 Sept Large Yellow Underwing  Common Wainscot (15)  Brown-spot Pinion
20 Sept Red Underwing  Lesser Yellow Underwing  Common Marbled Carpet  Purple Bar  Red-green Carpet  Light Brown Apple  Sallow  Acleris aspersana  Large Plume  Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana) 
21 Sept Straw Dot (3)  Sallow  Lunar Underwing (many)
23 Sept Barred Sallow  Burnished Brass (9)  Sallow (4)  Frosted Orange  Bordered Beauty  Ruby Tiger Brindled Green 
24 Sept Green-brindled Crescent  Common Marbled Carpet  Frosted Orange  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Large Yellow Underwing (many) 
26 Sept Vestal  Sallow  Barred Sallow
27 Sept Large Ranunculus  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Barred Sallow (ordinary and variety)  Pink-barred Sallow  Sallow
28 Sept Cabbage 
29 Sept Red Underwing  Beaded Chestnut  Acleris sparsana  Rush Veneer  Deep-brown Dart  Garden Rose Tortrix  Pale Mottled Willow 
2 Oct Beautiful Hook-tip  Black Rustic (8)  Blair's Shoulder-knot (3)  Beaded Chestnut (many)  Burnished Brass  Sallow 
3 Oct Acleris emargana  Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana)  Red-line Quaker 
7 Oct Vestal  Sallow  Green-brindled Crescent (10 plus one f. capucina)  Snout  Lunar Underwing  Large Wainscot  Beaded Chestnut 
8 Oct Angle Shades  Vestal  Shuttle-shape Dart  Green-brindled Crescent (2 ord 3 f. capucina)  Large Yellow Underwing (many)  Large Fruit-tree Tortrix (Archips podana)  Beaded Chestnut  Brown-spot Pinion  Dark Chestnut  Black Rustic
9 Oct Acleris aspersana  Ypsolopha sequella  Acleris ferrugana  Willow Beauty  Silver Y
10 Oct Beaded Chestnut (many)  Blair's Shoulder-knot (2)  Acleris ferrugana
11 Oct Ypsolopha sequella
16 Oct Chestnut  Beaded Chestnut (only 2 moths in trap)
17 Oct Merveille du Jour 
18 Oct Feathered Thorn (m) 
19 Oct Feathered Thorn (f)  Caloptilia elongella  Red-green Carpet  Green-brindled Crescent
20 Oct November (Spp – applies to all records & for Autumnal) 
21 Oct Sprawler  Dark Marbled Carpet  November
22 Oct Rush Veneer  Feathered Thorn
23 Oct Large Wainscot  Feathered Thorn (m)  Green-brindled Crescent 
24 Oct Red-green Carpet  Beaded Chestnut  November  Autumnal 
25 Oct Dark Swordgrass  Feathered Thorn (8)  Silver Y
28 Oct Copper Underwing (in house) 
31 Oct December  Grey Shoulder-knot  Angle Shades Silver Y  Red-green Carpet  Feathered Thorn  Large Yellow Underwing  Red-line Quaker  Yellow-line Quaker  Beaded Chestnut 
1 Nov Sprawler  Feathered Thorn  December  Black Rustic  Angle Shades  November  Dark Swordgrass
2 Nov Common Marbled Carpet  Black Rustic  Sprawler  Feathered Thorn (2)  November
4 Nov December 
5 Nov Satellite  Sprawler (2)  Feathered Thorn  Chestnut 
6 Nov Sprawler  Red-green Carpet  Brick
8 Nov November  Satellite 
2 Dec December (6)  Chestnut (2)
10 Dec December


3 Feb Pale Brindled Beauty  Chestnut
16 Feb Chestnut
17 Feb Dotted Border
19 Feb Hebrew Characrer
23 Feb Dotted Border
24 Feb Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)  Satellite  Chestnut
25 Feb Common.Quaker (2)  Clouded Drab  Pale Brindled Beauty
26 Feb Common Quaker  Dotted Border  Clouded Drab
29 Feb Common Quaker (2)
2 March Dotted Border (2 - one by door light)  Common Quaker 
5 March Common Quaker (2)
6 March Early Grey  Hebrew Character (2)  Common Quaker (6)  Chestnut (3)  Dotted Border  Clouded Drab (2)
9 March Small Brindled Beauty  Twin-spotted Quaker  Satellite (2)  Common Quaker (31)  Clouded Drab (3)  Hebrew Character (5)  Dotted Border 
10 March Pale Pinion  March (3)  Common Quaker (33)  Hebrew Character (8)  Clouded Drab  (5) Small Quaker (2)
15 March Satellite  Common Quaker (13)  Clouded Drab (7) 
16 March Carnation Tortrix  (Cacoecimorpha pronubana) (greenhouse)  Lead-coloured Drab  Common Quaker  Small Quaker  Clouded Drab  Hebrew Character
18 March Oak Beauty  Brindled Beauty  Agnopterix heracliana  Early Grey  March  Common Quaker  Small Quaker  Clouded Drab  Hebrew Character
20 March Common Quaker (14)  Clouded Drab (5)  Hebrew Character (3)  Small Quaker (2)  Twin-spotted Quaker  Early Grey (4)
22 March Red Chestnut
24 March Twin-spotted Quaker  Hebrew Character (4)  Clouded Drab (12)  Common Quaker (5)  Small Quaker (2) 
25 March Common Quaker  Small Quaker  Clouded Drab  Early Grey  March
31 March Early Thorn  Pine Beauty  Brindled Pug (2)  Emmelina monodactyla  March (2)  Early Grey (4)  Common Quaker (38)   Clouded Drab (18)  Small Quaker (12)  Hebrew Character (12)  Red Chestnut  Oak Beauty
1 Apr Dotted Chestnut  Diurnea fagella  Agonopterix alstromeriana   Common Quaker (32)  Small Quaker (14)  Clouded Drab ((13)  Hebrew character (12)  Early Thorn (4)  March  Pine  Beauty, Twin-spotted Quaker  Satellite  Red Chestnut (2) Clouded Drab (9) Common Quaker (26) Emmelina monodactyla (2) Oak Beauty
3 Apr  Brindled Beauty  Oak Beauty  Early Grey  Early Thorn (2)  Common Quaker (18)  Small Quaker 10)  Hebrew Character (7)  Clouded Drabs (6)  Satellite
4 Apr Powdered Quaker  Brindled Beauty (3)  Common Quaker (19)  Hebrew Character (11)  Small Quaker Clouded Drab  Angle Shades (pupa)
10 Apr Purple Thorn  Common Quaker (21)  Powdered Quaker (5)  Clouded Drab (4)  Small Quaker  March  Brindled Beauty 
12 Apr 20-Plume
17 Apr Brimstone  Hebrew Character  Common Quaker  Clouded Drab
18 Apr Chocolate-tip  Coxcomb Prominent  Nut-tree Tussock  Muslin  Hebrew Character (6)  Clouded Drab (2)  Common Quaker (3) 
19 Apr Hebrew Character (2) Clouded Drab (2) 
23 Apr Angle Shades  Streamer  Pale Prominent  Pebble Prominent  Brindled Pug  Brindled Beauty (3)  Clouded Drab (2)  Common Quaker (2)  Hebrew Character (2)  Early Grey  Powdered Quaker  Flame Shoulder
24 Apr Iron Prominent Least Black Arches  Pale Prominent  Pebble Prominent (3)  Streamer  Flame Shoulder  Clouded Drab (4)  Powdered Quaker (2)  Hebrew Character  Brindled Beauty (3)
25 Apr Red-green Carpet  Chocolate-tip  Caloptila semifascia
26 Apr Flame Shoulder  Shuttle-shape Dart
27 Apr Swallow Prominent 
28 Apr Spectacle  Waved Umber  Pale Prominent  Pebble Prominent  Flame Shoulder (2)  Oak Tree Pug Brimstone  Shuttle-shape Dart  Hebrew Character (4)  Clouded Drab  Common Quaker  Early Grey  Muslin
29 Apr Orange Footman  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Cochylis atricapitana   Brimstone  Muslin  20-plume  Pale Prominent  Brindled Beauty  Powdered Quaker  Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab 
30 Apr Brimstone (2)
1 May Tawny Pinion 
2 May Poplar Hawk (3) 
3 May Muslin  Hebrew Character
4 May Muslin 
5 May Brimstone  Poplar Hawk 
8 May Emperor (f) adult and eggs (start of a great tribe)  Heart and Dart
13 May Green Carpet  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Garden Carpet  Chinese Character  Muslin  Cochylis atricapitana 
14 May Cinnabar Least Black Arches 
15 May Treble Lines  Pale Pinion  Green Carpet (3)  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Shuttle-shape Dart (3)  Muslin (2)  Flame Shoulder (2) 
16 May Maiden's Blush  Clouded-bordered Brindle  Common Carpet  Small Square-spot  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Large Nutmeg
18 May Privet Hawk  Emperor (caterpillars) 
19 May Lime Hawk  Puss 
20 May White Ermine  Buff Ermine  Common Swift (m and f)  Muslin 
21 May Eyed Hawk 
22 May Small Elephant 
23 May Figure of 80  Barred Hook-tip  Clouded Silver  Buff Tip  Angle Shades Common Marbled Carpet Silver-ground Carpet  Lime-speck Pug  Flame  Small Phoenix  Scorched Wing  Lychnis  Marbled Minor S wallow Prominent
24 May Peppered  Coronet  Poplar Kitten  Pale Tussock  Marbled Brown  Poplar Grey  Pseudargyrotoza conwagana  Phtheochroa rugozana  Cleris aspersana  Cochylimorpha straminea Bee (Aphomia sociella)  Celypha lacunana
25 May Cinnabar  Flame Carpet  Scalloped Hazel  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Middle-barred Minor  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Clouded-bordered Brindle f.combusta Currant Pug  Freyer's Pug
26 May Bright-line Brown-eye
28 May Elephant Hawk  Spectacle  Swallow Prominent  Cochylis atricapitana  Flame Shoulder (4)  Treble Lines (4)  White Ermine
30 May Pebble Hook-tip  Straw Dot  Poplar Hawk  Cinnabar  Small Magpie (Eurrhypara hortulata)  Green Pug  Common Marbled Carpet  Silver-ground Carpet  Garden Carpet  Clouded Border  Large Yellow Underwing  Celypha lacunana  Crambus lathionellus 
31 May Snout (3)  Common Wainscot  Figure of 80  Rivulet  Lychnis
1 Jun Pale Tussock  Shears  Mottled Beauty  Flame  Pale Prominent  Spectacle 
2 Jun Marbled Coronet  Grass Rivulet  Clouded Silver  Eyed Hawk  Elephant Hawk  White Ermine 
6 Jun Heart and Dart  Poplar Hawk  Cinnabar  Clouded Silver  Celypha lacunana 
8 Jun Nematopogon metaxella  Common White Wave  Maiden's Blush  Blood-vein   Light Emerald 
9 June Privet Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Peppered  Brown Rustic
10 Jun 300 moths Green Silver Lines  Scarlet Tiger  Drinker  Spindle Ermine  Eyed Hawk  Privet Hawk Elephant Hawk  Heart and Dart (53)  Dark Arches  Green Pug  Broad-barred White  Marbled Minor (spp as always in my records for this moth)  Shears  Bright-line Brown-eye  Pale Prominent  Cinnabar  Aphelia paleana  Ephestia parasitella  Celypha lacunana  Chrysoteuchia culmella  Brown Rustic  Large Nutmeg  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Eucosma cana 
12 Jun 20-Plume  Light Emerald  Mottled Beauty  Straw Dot 
15 Jun Scarlet Tiger (2)  Bee (Aphomia sociella)  Light Emerald  Burnished Brass  Plain Golden Y  Single-dotted Wave  Beautiful Hook-tip  Barred Straw  Green Oak Tortrix (Pseudargyrotoza conwagana) 
16 Jun Lobster (m)  Pebble Prominent  Heart and Dart (many)  Buff Ermine (many)  Riband Wave  Common White Wave  Mottled Rustic  Small Seraphim
22 Jun Shark (2)  Spruce Carpet  Sandy Carpet
23 Jun Sallow Kitten  Brimstone  Marbled Coronet  Clouded Border  Dot
24 Jun Burnished Brass  Poplar Hawk  Barred Straw  Elephant Hawk 
27 Jun Blackneck Swallowtailed  Common Emerald  Privet Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Green Pug  Burnished Brass
28 Jun Ghost (f) and m in the house  Clay  Small Fanfoot Agapeta hamana Chrystoteuchia culmella Anania hortulata (Small Magpie)
29 Jun Barred Yellow  Drinker (f)  Barred Straw (2)  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing 
30 Jun Buff Tip  Small Fan-footed Wave  Single-dotted Wave  Smoky Wainscot  Common Footman  Dingy Footman  Clouded Brindle  Large Yellow Underwing  Udea olivalis  Dark/Grey Dagger  Brown Scallop  Small Seraphim 
1 Jul Mottled Beauty  Emperor  Common White Wave  Riband Wave(3)  Lime-speck Pug  Fanfoot  Willow Beauty  Silver Y  Mother of Pearl  Muslin Footman  Drinker (m)  Large Twin-spot Carpet  Light Arches  Clouded Brindle  Clay  Common Rustic  Beautiful Hook-tip  Heart and Dart Archips podana  Large Fruit Tree Tortrix Pandemis cerasama  Barred Fruit Tree Tortrix   Snout  Heart and Club  Bee  Silver-ground Carpet  Uncertain
2 Jul  Small Scallop  Small Blood-vein  Aleimma loeflingiana
3 Jul Drinker m and f  Slender Brindle  Shaded Broad-bar  Scalloped Oak  Brown-line Bright-eye  Barred Straw  Green Pug  Barred Yellow  Clay Coronet
6 Jul Scarce Silver Lines
8 Jul White Satin 
10 Jul Pyrausta purpuralis  Marbled Beauty
13 Jul Timothy Tortrix (Aphelia paleana)  Elephant Hawk (2)  Small Elephant Hawk 
15 Jul Shark  Phoenix  Chinese Character  Spindle Ermine  Early Thorn 
16 Jul Ruby Tiger  Yellowtail  Black Arches  Mother of Pearl  Catoptria falsella Ypsolofa dentella
17 Jul Miller  Nut-tree Tussock (2)  Lychnis  Caloptria pinella Hypsopygia glaucinalis (Gold Triangle)
18 Jul Yellowtail 
19 Jul Vapourer  Dusky Sallow  Copper Underwing  Dun-bar  Common Footman 
20 Jun Lunar-spotted Pinion  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
23 Jul Canary-shouldered Thorn  Early Thorn  Least Carpet  Four-spotted Footman 
25 Jul Schoenobius gigantella Ruby Tiger
27 Jul Vestal  Straw Underwing  Copper Underwing
28 Jul Large Emerald  Marbled Green  Marbled Beauty 
29 Jul Orange Swift  (m)
30 Jul Orange Swift (f)  Gold Spot  Marbled Beauty  Beautiful Plume  Amblyptilia canathadactyla
1 Aug Treble-bar Wax  (Galleria mellonella)  Green Carpet  Dingy Footman  Udea lutealis(m)  Dun-bar
6 Aug Poplar Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Black Arches  Swallow Prominent 
11 Aug Buff Tip caterpillar  Acleris laterana  Small Rivulet  Small Phoenix
13 Aug Green Carpet  Flounced Rustic  Flame Shoulder (many)  Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix Brown China-mark  Dun-bar  Least Yellow Underwing  Cloaked Minor  Common Rustic  Cabbbage Straw Underwing
14 Aug Light Emerald  Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix  Fan-foot  Clouded Silver  Acleris forsskaleana Celypha striana Endotricha flammealis  Small Fan-footed Wave  Catoptria pinella Crambus perlella Cocylis atricapitana
15 Aug Flame Shoulder (many) 
16 Aug Swallow Prominent  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Sallow Kitten  Gold Spot  Poplar Hawk Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)
20 Aug Hummingbird Hawk 
21 Aug Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)  Flame Shoulder (many)  Common Wainscot  Flounced Rustic  Square-spot Rustic  Six-striped Rustic
22 Aug Angle Shades  Poplar Hawk  Treble Bar  Common Marbled Carpet  Flame Shoulder  Spectacle Green Carpet  Common Plume  Shuttle-shape Dart  Square-spot Rustic  Vine's Rustic  Flounced Rustic
23 Aug Large Yellow Underwing (in house)  Common Wainscot  Flame Shoulder 
30 Aug Canary-shouldered Thorn  Swallow Prominent  Snout  Common Rustic  Vine's Rustic  Square-spot Rustic 
31 Aug Silver Y Pyrausta purpuralis  Orange Swift (f)  Burnished Brass  Mouse  
14 Sept Black Rustic (2)
19 Sept Ruby Tiger  Beaded Chestnut  Large Fruit Tree Tortrix Archips podana)  Lunar Underwing (3)
20 Sept Orange Sallow  Sallow  Centre-barred Sallow  Dusky Thorn  Brindled Green  Marbled White-spot  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Oak Hooktip  Flame Carpet  Copper Underwing (  Epiphyas postvittanaLight Brown Apple  Square-spot  Rustic  Yellow Shell  Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana) Celypha lacunana  Turnip
24 Sept Autumnal Rustic  Green-brindled Crescent  Pink-barred Sallow 
26 Sept Deep Brown Dart  Small Dusty Wave  Light Emerald  Lunar Underwing  Small Wainscot 
30 Sept Frosted Orange  Green-brindled Crescent f capucina   Brindled Green  Common Marbled Carpet Red-line Quaker Garden Rose Tortrix
3 Oct Large Wainscot  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Satellite  Black Rustic 
8 Oct Shuttle-shape Dart
10 Oct Merveille du Jour  Green-brindled Crescent (3)  Barred Sallow  Pink-barred Sallow  
11 Oct Merveille du Jour  Satellite  Burnished Brass  Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana)  Blair's Shoulder-knot 
12 Oct Black Rustic
13 Oct Willow Beauty   Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis cerasana)  Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalis)  Shuttle-shape Dart  Green-brindled Crescent f capucina  Pink-barred Sallow 
17 Oct Sprawler  Feathered Thorn  Red-green Carpet  November/Autumnal
20 Oct Merveille du Jour  Pink-barred Sallow  Brown-spot Pinion  Beaded Chestnut 
22 Oct Red-line Quaker
23 Oct Dark Chestnut  Beaded Chestnut  Green-brindled Crescent ( 1 a capucina)  Brick  Silver Y  Autumnal/November
24 Oct Sprawler Blair's  Shoulder-knot  Feathered Thorn  Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)  Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana) 
26 Oct Red-green Carpet  Common Marbled Carpet 
29 Oct Angle Shades  Large Wainscot  Common Marbled Carpet
1 Nov Feathered Thorn (m and f) 
2 Nov Juniper Carpet
5 Nov Rusty-dot Pearl (Udea ferrugalis)  Silver Y  Straw Dot  Red-green Carpet  Red-line Quaker  Brick  Green-brindled Crescent Acleris variegana
6 Nov  Carcina quercana 
19 Nov Winter (spp)


25 Feb Dotted Border (in house)
4 March Grey Shoulder-knot (house light)  Early Grey
16 Apr Brindled Beauty (7)  Nut-tree Tussock (2)
19 Apr Common Quaker  Hebrew Character (3)  Twin-spot Quaker (2)  Clouded Drab (2) Chestnut Powdered Quaker
22 Apr Early Grey 
23 Apr Herald 
25 Apr Emperor
26 Apr Swallow Prominent  Brindled Beauty  Hebrew Character (2)
27 Apr Swallow Prominent  Hebrew Character
28 Apr Powdered Quaker  Hebrew Character
1 May Poplar Hawk  Muslin  Swallow Prominent
2 May Brimstone  Common Quaker B rindled Beauty  Hebrew Character (2)
4 May Spectacle  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Hebrew Character (2)  Clouded Drab
8 May Lychnis  Swallow Prominent (5)  Nut-tree Tussock (2)  Hebrew Character (2)  Flame Shoulder (2)  Green Carpet 
9 May Muslin  Flame Shoulder (2)  Swallow Prominent  Pebble Prominent
10 May Flame Shoulder (5)  Clouded Drab 
11 May Small Waved Umber  Pine Beauty  Poplar Hawk  Brimstone  Shuttle-shape Dart  Orange Footman  Iron Prominent  Muslin 
12 May Lime-speck Pug   Common Swift  Bright-line Brown-eye  Treble-bar  Powdered Quaker  Oak Tree Pug Agonopterix agonella  Elachista apicipunctella  Celypha lacunana  s CHECK
15 May Heart and Dart  Spectacle  Flame Shoulder (6) 
16 May White Ermine  Shuttle-shape Dart 
17 May Common Swift  Muslin
22 May Pale Tussock (f)  Cinnabar  Brimstone  Shears  Small Square-spot
23 May Garden Carpet  Clouded Silver  Chinese Character  Small White Wave  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Flame Shears  Waved Umber  Bright-line Brown-eye  Knot Grass  Iron Prominent  Brimstone  Common Swift (12)  Flame Shoulder
24 May Puss  Figure of 80  Gold Spot  Silver Y  Scorched Wing  Marbled Minor  Treble Lines  Lychnis  Clouded-bordered Brindle  Buff Ermine  White Ermine  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Green Carpet  White-spotted Pug  Oak Tree Pug  Common Marbled Carpet 
27 May Swallow Prominent  Flame Shoulder 
28 May Peppered 
29 May Pale Prominent  Clouded-bordered Brindle f combusta  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Small Square-spot  Brown Rustic 
30 May Clouded Drab  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Small Square-spot  Yellow-barred Brindle   
Common Carpet  Seraphim 
31 May Poplar Hawk  Scalloped Hazel  White-pinion Spotted   Coronet  Mottled Pug  Common Swift
4 June Shears. Bagworm (spp) 
5 Jun Elephant Hawk  Chocolate-tip  Small Magpie  Brown Rustic  Middle-barred Minor  Mottled Pug  Large Nutmeg  Pale-shouldered Brocade  Marbled Minor 
6 Jun Pale Tussock  Iron Prominent  Cinnabar  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Common Wainscot  Large Yellow Underwing  Common Carpet  Common Marbled Carpet  Crambus lathionella  Brown Rustic  Silver-ground Carpet  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Clouded- bordered Brindle
7 Jun Large Nutmeg  Bright-line Brown-eye  Heart and Dart  Brown Rustic
8 Jun Buff-tip  Pebble Prominent  Silver-ground Carpet  Mint (Pyrausta aurata)
9 Jun Buff-tip  Peppered  White Ermine  Poplar Hawk  Common Swift  Common Marbled  Carpet Vine's  Rustic   Small Square-spot 
13 Snout Straw Dot  Udea olivalis  Common Marble Carpet  Large Twin-spot Carpet  Elephant Hawk  Angle Shades  Marbled Minor  Celypha striana  Mompha subbistrigella 
15 Jun Privet Hawk  Elephant Hawk (7)  Heart and Dart (lots)  Bordered Straw  Round-winged Muslin  Dark Arches  Willow Beauty  Ghost (f)  Burnished Brass juncta and aurea   Small Angle Shades  Scorched Wing  Bordered Straw  Scarlet Tiger
16 Jun Eyed Hawk  Flame Carpet  Brimstone
17 Jun Puss Ghost (2 f)  Middle-barred Minor  Privet Hawk
18 Jun Common Ćlothes (Tineola bisselliela)
19 Jun Light Emerald  Clouded Silver  Marbled Coronet  Heart and Club  Peppered   Spectacle  Bordered Straw  Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandens ceresana) Bud (Spilonota ocellana)  Square-spot Rustic
20 Jun Scarlet Tiger  Barred Straw  Figure of 80  Carnation Tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana)
22 Jun Blood-vein  Buff  Ermine  Large Yellow Underwing  Straw Dot (2)  Nematopogon metaxella
23 Jun Beautiful Hook-tip  Mottled Beauty  Poplar Grey  Dark/Grey Dagger  Miller  Single-dotted Wave  Common White Wave  Light Emerald  Buff-tip 
24 Jun Yellow Shell
25 Jun Shoulder-striped Wainscot  Small Dotted Buff  Common Wainscot  Heart and Dart   Double Square-spot  Riband Wave  Peppered 
26 Jun Small Elephant  Elephant (7)  Heart and Club  Burnished Brass  Llght Arches  Clay  Willow Beauty  Buff Arches  Smoky Wainscot  Silver-ground Carpet  Large Nutmeg  Muslin Footman 
27 Jun Barred Yellow  Anania coronata
28 Jun Grey/Dark Dagger 
29 Jun Swallowtailed  Barred Yellow
30 Jun Brown-line Bright-eye 
1 Jul Gold Spot 
2 Jul Riband Wave (both forms)
3 Jul Large Twin-spot Carpet
4 Jul Endotricha flammealis   Red-barred Tortrix (Ditula angustiorana)
6 Jul White Satin  Yellowtail 
7 Jul Drinker  Privet (2)
8 Jul Angle Shades  Coronet
9 Jul Mottled Beauty f conversaria
10 Jul Phoenix 
11 Jul Blackneck  Dot
12 Jul Peach Blossom  Coronet  Common Emerald  Small Emerald  Swallowtailed  Yellowtail  Brimstone  Ghost (f)
13 Jul Pine Hawk 
14 Jul Ruby Tiger (2)
15 Jul Marbled Green  Marbled Beauty
16 Jul Pyrausta purpuralis
17 Jul Leopard 
18 Jul Mother of Pearl  Large Yellow Underwing  Poplar Hawk (6)  Pebble Prominent
19 Jul Beautiful China-mark  Shaded Broad-bar  Common Rustic  Dark Arches  Udea olivalis  Clouded Border  Buff Arches  Poplar Grey  Anania coronata  Small Dotted Buff  Coronet 
20 Jul Catoptria pinella  Acleris forsskaleana  Dun-bar  Dusky Sallow  Gold Triangle  Hypsopygia costalis Small Emerald  Marbled Green  Elephant Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Coronet  Riband Wave  Small Fan-footed Wave
23 Jul September Thorn  Dun-bar  Buff Ermine  Dark Arches 
24 Jul Single-dotted Wave  Yellow Shell  Small Scallop  Gothic  Small Dotted Buff  Marbled Minor  Udea.olivalis  Leopard  Grey/Dark Dagger
26 Jul  Privet Hawk  Common Footman  Brimstone  Ghost (f) Anania coronata  Small Emerald  Snout  Rush Veneer Nomophila noctuella  Scarce Footman
27 Jul Cinnabar caterpillars and adult 
28 Jul Peppered melanic 
29 Jul Small Rivulet  Poplar Hawk  Privet Hawk  Pale Prominent  Dusky Sallow  Least Yellow Underwing  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
30 Jul Herald 
31 July Hemlock Agonopterix alstromeriana  Common Footman  White Satin  Scalloped Oak  Willow Beauty
1 Aug Shuttle-shape Dart  Dark Arches  Riband Wave
2 Aug Shaded Broad-bar (in field)
4 Aug White Plume 
5 Aug Pale Prominent
6 Aug Pebble Prominent  Ruby Tiger  Mother of Pearl  White Satin  Burnished Brass  Dingy Footman  Common Rustic  Common Carpet  Aethes smeathmanniana
7 Aug Swallow Prominent  Willow Beauty  Brown-line Bright-eye  Smoky Wainscot  Scarce Wainscot  Straw Underwing  Common Wainscot
8 Aug Pammene aurita  Pyrausta aurata  Carcina quercana  Red-barred Tortrix Cydia splendana  Acleris forsskaleana
10 Aug Hummingbird Hawk  Black Arches  Canary-shouldered Thorn
11 Aug Marbled Beauty (2)  Spectacle  Black Arches  Common Rustic  Chinese Character 
12 Aug Red Underwing  Black Arches 
13 Aug Shoulder-striped Wainscot
14 Aug Carnation Tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubana)
16 Aug Canary-shouldered Thorn C opper Underwing  Anania coronata 
17 Aug Brimstone  V-pug  Clouded Border  Riband Wave 
19 Aug Red Twin-spot Carpet
20 Aug Treble-bar  Red Twin-spot  Carpet  Bright-line Brown-eye
31 Aug Dark Swordgrass
Sep 4 Six-striped Rustic  Flounced Rustic  Small Square-spot  Green Carpet  Orange Swift  Agriphela tristella 
5 Sep Elephant Hawk caterpillar 
7 Sep Pale Eggar  Feathered Gothic  Barred Sallow  Angle Shades  Burnished Brass  Rosy Rustic  Silver Y 
10 Sep Red Underwing 
12 Sep Red Underwing  Burnished Brass both forms  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Snout  Autumnal Rustic  Lunar Underwing 
13 Sep Gold Spot  Broad- bordered Yellow Underwing  Brown-spot Pinion  Common Wainscot  Large Fruit Tree Tortrix 
14 Sep Hummingbird Hawk  Large Yellow Underwing  Common Wainscot
18 Sep Large Ranunculus  Frosted Orange  Black Rustic 
20 Sep Bordered Beauty  Sallow  Red Underwing
21 Sep Beaded Chestnut  Vine's Rustic  Square-spot Rustic  Brown-spot  Rustic  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Rosy Rustic  Angle Shades  Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)  Lunar Underwing  Black Rustic  Deep Brown Dart 
23 Sep Salłow  Lunar Underwing  Silver Y  Green Carpet  Rush Veneer (Nomophila noctuella)
24 Sep Small Square-spot 
26 Sep Acleris forsskaleana (greenhouse)  Large Ranunculus  Black Rustic  Common Marbled Carpet
28 Sep Pink-barred Sallow  Snout 
2 Oct Green-brindled Crescent  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Frosted Orange
9 Oct Brindled Green  Green-brindled Crescent  Black Rustic (many)
10 Oct Red-green Carpet Green-brindled Crescent capucina Deep Brown Dart Black Rustic Satellite Red-line Quaker Dark Swordgrass Lunar Underwing
11 Oct Merveille du Jour 
12 Oct Burnished Brass v dull specimen, possibly wet 
17 Oct  Barred Sallow  Brindled Green  Chestnut  November/Autumnal
19 Oct Large Wainscot  Brown-spot Pinion  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Yellow-line Quaker  Sallow  Black Rustic  Lunar Underwing  Large Yellow Underwing
22 Oct Red Underwing  Red-line Quaker  Red-green Carpet  Pale Mottled Willow 
24 Oct Feathered Thorn (4)  Blair's Shoulder-knot (2)  Sprawler  Common Marbled Carpet  Square-spot Rustic
27 Oct Juniper Carpet 
1 Nov December  Sprawler  Large Wainscot 
3 Nov Large Wainscot  December (2)  Red-green Carpet  Setaceous Hebrew Character (2)  Red-line Quaker (2)  Yellow-line Quaker  Sprawler  Winter/Autumnal  Feathered Thorn  Angle Shades
5 Nov Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana) Blair's Shoulder-knot  Acleris rhombana  Acleris sparsana
7 Nov Satellite  Feathered Thorn (3)  Beaded Chestnut
8 Nov Dark Swordgrass  Feathered Thorn  Blair's Shoulder-knot
14 Nov Dark Chestnut  November/Autumnal 
16 Nov Red-green Carpet  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Setaceous Hebrew Character 
20 Nov Brick  Autumnal/November  Satellite
30 Nov Large Yellow Underwing caterpillar
7 Dec Mottled Umber  Red-green Carpet 
10 Dec Acleris cristana 
12 Dec Winter
18 Dec Acleris hastiana
19 Dec Mottled Umber
21 Dec Winter
31 Dec Pale Brindled Beauty


15 Feb Dotted Border (in house) 
1 March Pale Brindled Beauty  Common Quaker (9) 
30 March Oak Beauty  Common Quaker  Clouded Drab   March 
1 Apr Pale Pinion  Hebrew Character (5)  Small Quaker
5 Apr Emperor 
7 Apr Emperor (f) and eggs 
11 Apr Early Thorn  Common Quaker (several)  Hebrew Character (several)  March  Brindled Beauty 
12 Apr Powdered Quaker  Common Quaker  Hebrew Character  Pale Pinion
16 Apr Early Thorn  Hebrew Character  Common Quaker (many) 
18 Apr Brindled Beauty (2)  Common Quaker (many)  Hebrew Character (many)  Pale Pinion 
19 Apr Common Quaker  Hebrew Character  Powdered Quaker  Clouded Drab 
22 Apr Early Grey  Clouded Drab  Powdered Quaker  Brindled Beauty (2)
24 Apr Muslin  Hebrew Character (4)
28 Apr Hebrew Character
30 Apr Clouded Drab
1 May Brindled Beauty (2)  Muslin 
3 May Early Grey  Powdered Quaker  Brindled Beauty  Hebrew Character (5) 
7 May Pebble Prominent  Flame Shoulder  Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab  Brindled Beauty 
8 May Pine Beauty  Brimstone  Lunar Marbled Brown  Hebrew Character (several)  Brindled Beauty (Several)  Shuttle-shape Dart  Buff Ermine  Ruby Tiger Epiphyas postvittana  Oak Tree Pug  Early Grey 
9 May Frosted Green  Cinnabar  Spectacle  Waved Umber 
10 May Green Carpet (W Furze) 
11 May Elachista apicipunctella  Least Black Arches  Flame Shoulder  Common Swift (3) 
12 May Poplar Hawk  Chocolate-tip  Brimstone  Pebble Prominent  Waved Umber  Muslin (3) 
13 May Green Carpet  Common Swift 2)
14 May Muslin (3)  Agonopterix arenella
16 May Coronet  Brimstone  Scrobipalpa acuminatella 
17 May Muslin  Common Swift  Brindled Beauty  Green Carpet (many)
20 May Ruby Tiger
21 May Common Swift (57) 
22 May White Ermine  Lychnis  Treble Lines (2)  Flame  Flame Shoulder 
23 May Poplar Hawk 
24 May Common Pug  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Epiphyas postvittana  Light Brown Apple Moth Cochylmorpha straminea  Tinea trinotella 
25 May Dusky Scalloped Oak  Spectacle (2) 
2 June Diamond-back  Treble Lines (many)  Common Swift (many)  White Ermine  Brown Rustic 
3 June Pale Tussock  Shears  Marbled Minor  Silver-ground Carpet (2)  Heart and Dart (2)  Clouded-bordered Brindle  Small Square-spot  Bright-line Brown-eye  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Brown Rustic  Diamond-back 
4 June Eyed Hawk  Pine Hawk  Lime Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Small Elephant Hawk  Poplar Hawk 
5 June Scorched Wing 
6 June Figure of 80  Dark Swordgrass  Elephant Hawk
7 June Privet Hawk  Eyed Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Cinnabars (field)
9 June Sallow Kitten  Small Magpie  (Anania hortulata)  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Grass Rivulet  Straw Dot  Clouded Border  Clouded Silver  Common Wave  White-pinion Spotted  Peppered (2)
10 June Angle Shades  Lime Hawk  Small Angle Shades  Swallow Prominent  Coxcomb Prominent  Pale Prominent
11 June Ghost (f)  Burnished Brass (both) 
12 June Bloodvein  Silver-ground Carpet  Orange Footman  Herald Cinnabar (3)
14 June Ghost (m and f)
15 June Poplar Hawk (3)  White Ermine
18 June Snout  Turnip  Large Yellow Underwing  Marbled Minor  Obscure Wainscot  Common Wainscot  Silver-ground Common  Marbled  Poplar Gray  Buff Ermine  White Ermine  Diamond-backed  Poplar Hawk  Silver Y  Mottled Beauty
19 June Blotched Emerald  Burnished Brass juncta  Silver-ground Carpet  Garden Carpet 
20 June Nematapogon metaxella  Phtheochroa rugosana   Agapeta hamana   Ancylis badiana  Udea olivalis  Aphelia paleana (Timothy Tortrix)  Hofmannophila pseudospretella  Epiphyas pistvittana (Light Brown Apple Moth)
21 June  Privet Hawk (2)  Eyed Hawk (2)  Pine Hawk 
23 June Elephant Hawk  Small Elephant Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Bee moth  Light Emerald   Riband Wave  Dark Arches  Light Arches  Bordered White
28 June Muslin Footman  Shaded Broad-bar (field)
29 Jun Obscure Wainscot rare
3 July Buff Tip  Pale Prominent  Bright-line Brown-eye (2) 
4 July Beautiful Hook-tip  Burnished Brass aurea  Brown-line Bright Eye  Heart and Dart  Heart and Club 
9 July Drinker (m)  Marbled Coronet  Poplar Grey  Buff Arches  Burnished Brass juncta  Beautiful Hook-tip  White Satin  Common Emerald
11 July  Common Emerald  White Satin  Clouded Border  Small Magpie  Fan-foot  Swallowtailed  White Plume
12 July Riband Wave (2 one of each type)  Small Scallop
14 July Cinnabar (3)  Barred Straw  Common Marbled Carpet  Clouded Silver  Mottled Beauty  Clouded Border  Single-dotted Wave  Engrailed Green Pug
15 July Nut-tree Tussock  Dark Arches  Coronet  Poplar Grey  Sycamore  Grey/Dark Dagger  Marbled Minor  Nutmeg
17 July Varied Coronet  Chinese Character  Early Thorn  V Pug  Common Wainscot  Smoky Wainscot  Celypha striana
18 July Garden Tiger  Marbled Green  Large Nutmeg  Shears  Marbled Minor  Small Square -spot  Setaceous Hebrew Character
19 July Endotrucha flammealis  Heart and Club  Treble Lines  Herald  Chrystotechia culmella  Bramble-shoot moth  Scoparia (spp)
20 July  Yellowtail  Ringed China-mark (m)
22 July Shaded Broad-bar  Brown China-mark  Small Elephant  Burnished Brass aurea
23 July Endotricha flammea  Black Arches  Swallowtailed  Ruby Tiger
24 July Dot  Common Wainscot  Muslin Footman  Agapeta hamana  Dark Arches  Small Magpie  Marbled Minor  Snout  Archips pidana (Large Fruit Tree Tortrix)  Lozotaeniodes firmosana
25 July Poplar Kitten  Small Rivulet  Phoenix  Yellowtail  (m and F)  Plain Golden Y  Common Rustic  Dark Arches  Dot  Scalloped Oak  Poplar Hawk (2)  Elephant Hawk  Large Twin-spot Carpet  Mother of Pearl  Buff Tip  Dun-bar  Common Emerald  Nut-tree Tussock  Bird-cherry Ermine (Yponomeuta econymellaEpiblema foenella Ghost (f)  Heart and Dart  Scarce Footman
26 July Canary -shouldered Thorn  Brown Scallop  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Dark Marbled Carpet  Cocylis atricapitana  Acleris forsskaleana
27 July Pyrausta purpuralis  Clouded Silver
28 July Coxcomb Prominent  Pale Prominent  Pebble Prominent (2)  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Marbled Green  Marbled Beauty  Peppered  Hypsopygia glaucinalis
29 July Leopard  Four-spotted Footman (m)  Maidens Blush  Bordered Pug  July Highflyer  Dusky Sallow  Brown-line Bright-eye  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Common Carpet  Small Fan-footed Wave  Brimstone
30 July Dusky Sallow  Brown Plume
1 Aug Brimstone  Ruby Tiger  Poplar Hawk  Pebble Prominent  Common Footman  Scalloped Oak  Straw Underwing  Yellowtail(2)  Small Phoenix
2 Aug Common Carpet  Red Twin-spot Carpet (3)  Udea olivalis  Anania coronata (Elderberry Pearl)  Common Pearl
5 Aug Dusky Thorn  Swallow Prominent
9 Aug Sallow Kitten (2)  Orange Swift (m&f)  Lime-speck Pug
10 Aug Tawny Speckled Pug  V Pug  Udea lutalis  Evergestis forficalis (Garden Pebble)  Red-barred Tortrix (Ditula angustiorama)  Pyrausta purpuralis  Pyrausta aurata Carnation Tortrix ( Cacoeimorpha pronubanaCrambus lathoniellus
12 Aug Lychnis  Common Rustic (spp)  Nut-tree Tussock  Shaded Broad-bar  Flounced Rustic  Chestnut  Silver Y  Ruby Tiger  Iron Prominent  Ghost (f)  Dark Spectacle  Square-spot Rustic  Willow Beauty
13 Aug Poplar Hawk  Green Carpet  Flame Shoulder  Herald  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Brimstone  Single-dotted Wave  Straw Dot  Riband Wave  Mother of Pearl 
14 Aug Copper Underwing  Pale Prominent  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Pyrausta aurata (Mint) (2)   Flame Shoulder  Burnished Brass
15 Aug Angle Shades  Pebble Prominent  Common Carpet  Brimstone  Orange Swift
17 Aug Bulrush Wainscot
18 Aug Orange Swift  Willow Beauty (2)  Poplar Hawk  Flounced Rustic (2)  Pammene aurita
21 Aug Marbled Beauty (2)  Blood-vein  Green Carpet  Coxcomb Prominent
25 Aug Angle Shades  Poplar Kitten  Poplar Hawk  Common Rustic (spp)
27 Aug Gold Spot  Sycamore  Centre-barred Sallow  Burnished Brass (both forms)  Chinese Character  Marbled Beauty(2)  Flame Carpet  Garden Carpet  Flounced Rustic  Large Yellow Underwing  Mother of Pearl  Tawny Speckled Pug   Poplar Hawk  Brimstone  Swallow Prominent  Garden Rose Tortrix  Rosy Rustic  Ringed China-mark
28 Aug Peacock  Chinese Character
29 Aug Maiden's Blush  Bordered Beauty
3 Sept Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)  Feathered Gothic (m)
8 Sept Large Yellow Underwing (many)  Burnished Brass  Brimstone  Rosy Rustic  Treble/Lesser Treble-bar f fimbriata rare  Setaceous Hebrew Character
9 Sept Frosted Orange  Centre-barred Sallow  Snout
16 Sept Ruby Tiger  Red Underwing
30 Sept Barred Sallow  Pink-barred Sallow  Sallow  Lunar Underwing  Beaded Chestnut(3)  Black Rustic
2 Oct Barred Sallow  Pink-barred Sallow  Sallow  Green-brindled Crescent  Angle Shades  Deep-brown Dart  Brown-spot Pinion
3 Oct Black Rustic (lots)
8 Oct Herald (2)
10 Oct Merveille du Jour
13 Oct Straw Dot  Green-brindled Crescent  Red-green Carpet  Red Underwing  November  Snout  Blair's Shoulder-knot  Red-line Quaker (3)  Garden Carpet  Carnation Tortrix (Cacoecimorpha pronubanaAcleris sparsana Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana)  Shuttle-shape Dart  Brown -spot Pinion  Vine's Rustic
15 Oct Autumnal Rustic
16 Oct Autumnal  Red-line Quaker  Snout  Light Brown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana ) (m and f)
17 Oct Green-brindled Crescent  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Red-line Quaker  Autumnal  Lunar Underwing
18 Oct Green-brindled Crescent (capucina)  Beaded Chestnut
22 Oct Green-brindled Crescent  Black Rustic  Large Wainscot  Blair's Shoulder-knot
23 Oct Merveille du Jour  Barred Sallow  Square-spot Rustic
24 Oct Sallow  Black Rustic  Green -brindled Crescent  Beaded Chestnut Large Wainscot  Lunar Underwing  Deep-brown Dart
28 Oct Sprawler  Feathered Thorn (2)  Merveille du Jour  Red-green Carpet
30 Oct Large Yellow Underwing  Barred Sallow  Common Marbled Carpet  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Eucosma obumbratana  November
5 Nov December  Large Wainscot  Eucosma obumbratana
11 Nov Feathered Thorn
12 Nov December  Green-brindled Crescent
15 Nov Feathered Thorn  November
16 Nov Sprawler (2)  December
22 Nov Winter  December
25 Nov December
29 Nov December
10 Dec  Mottled Umber  Winter  December
11 Dec Light Brown Apple (Epithyas postvittana)  Winter
18 Dec Winter  Mottled Umber


17 Feb Pale Brindled Beauty (3)
18 Feb Pale Brindled Beauty (5). Agonopterix heracliana
19 Feb Pale Brindled Beauty (2)
24 Feb Spring Usher. Hebrew Character
2 March March moth
3 March Oak Beauty (2)  Common Quaker
10 March Dotted Border  Clouded Drab Hebrew Character
11 March Small Quaker (3)  Common Quaker  March (4)  Chestnut  Dotted Border
17 March Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab  Diurnea fagella
26 March Pale Pinion  Clouded Drab  Common Quaker (3)  March Moth
28 March Red-green Carpet  Clouded Drab  Oak Beauty
29 March Red Chestnut
1 April Brindled Beauty  Oak Beauty  White-marked  Hebrew Character  Twin-spotted Quaker Depressaria chaerophyli  Early Thorn Emmelina monodactyla
7 April Early Grey (3) 
8 April Nut-tree Tussock  Hebrew Character (many)  Brindled Beauty  Small Brindled Beauty
10 April Chinese Character  Purple Thorn  Swallow Prominent  Herald  V-pug  Oak Tree Pug  Double-striped Pug  Powdered Quaker
13 April Emperor
14 April Lunar Marbled Brown
16 April Emperor (m and f)
17 April Flame Shoulder (2)
21 April. Lunar Marbled Brown  Nut-tree Tussock  V-pug
22 April Pebble Prominent  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Green Carpet  Emmelina monodactyla  Brindled Beauty
23 April Chocolate-tip  Pale Prominent  Muslin
29 April Muslin  Brimstone  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Spectacle
30 April Lesser Swallow Prominent  Shoulder Stripe  Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab
2 May Treble Lines  Flame Shoulder  Waved Umber
4 May Elachista apicipunctella rare
5 May Grey Dagger (spp)  Powdered Quaker
6 May Poplar Hawk (battered)  Knot Grass  Chocolate-tip  Shuttle-shape Dart  Cnephasia (ssp)
7 May Poplar Hawk  Eyed Hawk  Scorched Carpet  Sandy Carpet
8 May Rustic Shoulder-knot
11 May Muslin (4)  Flame Shoulder  Green Carpet
13 May White-spotted Pug  Cinnabar  White Ermine  Common Swift  Shears  Silver-ground Carpet  Brimstone  Marbled Minor (ssp)  Spectacle  Pale Tussock  Coxcomb Prominent  Mottled Pug  Treble Lines  Chocolate-tip  Lime Speck Pug  Brindled Pug  Muslin  Poplar Hawk  Powdered Quaker  V-pug  Buff Ermine
14 May Puss Moth 
16 May Small Phoenix  Orange Footman (4)  Scalloped Hazel (4)  Eyed Hawk  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Knot Grass  Common Carpet  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Common Wainscot  Lychnis  Square-spot Rustic  Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  Purple Thorn  Nut-tree Tussock 
18 May Lime Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Heart and Dart  Heart and Club 
21 May Sycamore  Poplar Gray  Peppered  Poplar Hawk  Rustic Shoulder-knot  Small Square-spot  Silver Y  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Silver-ground Carpet  Common Wainscot
22 May Coronet  Common Marbled Carpet  Muslin(3)
23 May Elephant Hawk
24 May Poplar Hawk  Eyed Hawk  Figure of 80  Muslin  Clouded Silver  Snout  Turnip
1 June Scorched Wing  Peppered
2 June Privet Hawk
3 June Privet Hawk  Brown Silver-line  Toadflax Pug  Burnished Brass  Poplar Grey  pseudargyritoza conwagana  Lesser Angle Shades  Pale Tussock (f)  Snout  Shoulder-striped Wainscot  Orange Footman  Buff Tip  Small Magpie
10 June Poplar Hawk (2)  Willow Beauty  Common White Wave  Barred Straw  Eudinia lacustrata  Udea lutealis
11 June Buff Ermine (moustache-shape pattern Beautiful Golden Y  Treble Brown spot  Privet Hawk  Flame  Clouded Border  Snout  Silver Y  Middle-barred Minor  Least Minor  Marbled Minor  Turnip
13 June Scarlet Tiger  Poplar Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Puss Moth  Blood-vein  Flame Shoulder  Spectacle  Flame  Coronet  Pale Tussock
15 June Eyed Hawk
16 June Donacaula forficella  Calamotropha paludella
25 June Cinnabar
26 June Small Elephant Hawk  Eyed Hawk
27 June White Satin
28 June Nematapogon metaxella  Barred Yellow  Scorched Wing  Small Magpie  Miller  Yellow-tail  Small Fan-footed Wave
30 June Burnished Brass  Elephant Hawk (11)  Catoptria pinella  Buff Arches  Spindle Ermine  Muslin Footman
1 July Peppered (melanic)
2 July Clouded Silver  Scorched Carpet  Beautiful Hook-tip  Phoenix  Single-dotted Wave  Straw Dot (2)
4 July Hummingbird Hawk  Pine Hawk
6 July Agapeta zoegana  Common Emerald  Small Emerald
9 July White Plume  Burnished Brass  Small Rivulet  Common White Wave
10 July Herald  Common Wave  Bird-cherry Ermine  Green Oak Tortrix (Tortrix viridiana)   Common Footman  Coronet  Yellow-tail  Clay  Bright-line Brown-eye  Brown-line Bright-eye
11 July August Thorn  Early Thorn  Riband Wave (both forms)  Mother of Pearl (Pleuroptya ruralis)
12 July Vapourer (m)  Scarlet Tiger  Dark Marbled Carpet  Lesser Cream Wave  Small Magpie
13 July Small Scallop Yellowtail Ruby Tiger Chinese Character Ethmia dideca
14 July Grey Pine Carpet  Common Rustic (sspEndotricha flammealis  Lesser Cream Wave  Coronet  Nut-tree Tussock  Common Carpet  Argyresthia brockeela  Chrysoteuchia culmella  Dot  Fan-foot  Common Footman  Grey Dagger (spp)
15 July Leopard  Swallow Prominent  Muslin Footman  Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalisAnania coronata  Knot Grass  Lunar-spotted Pinion  Dusky Sallow
16 July Acleris forsskaleana  Cinnabar caterpillars  Gold Spot  Brimstone  Dun-bar  Willow Beauty  Large Twin-spot Carpet  Yellow-tail  Nut-tree Tussock  Lychnis  Dingy Footman  Ghost (m)  Ruby Tiger
17 July Yellow-tail (3)  Poplar Kitten  Common Footman  Scarce Footman  Silver Y  Blood-vein  Rosy Minor
18 July Double-lobed  Common Rustic (spp)  Black Arches  Dusky Thorn  Phoenix  Lesser Yellow Underwing  Campion  Ruby Tiger  Bordered Pug  Brimstone
20 July Latticed Heath  Common Carpet  Red Carpet  Maiden's Blush  Ruby Tiger  Mother of Pearl (scores)
21 July Bordered Beauty  Yellow-tail  Common Footman  Willow Beauty  Iron Prominent
23 July Black Arches  Small Phoenix
25 July White-spotted Pug  Scalloped Oak  Gold Spot  Black Arches  Garden Carpet  Common Rustic (ssp)
26 July Dark-barred  Twin-spot Carpet  Nut-tree Tussock  Straw Dot (4)
27 July Poplar Hawk (2)
28 July Coxcomb Prominent  Dark Spectacle  Dark Arches  Straw Underwing
30 July Mother of Pearl (30 plus)  Flame Shoulder (12)  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Iron Prominent  Marbled Minor  Straw Underwing  Cochylis dubitana
1 Aug Swallow Prominent  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Coxcomb Prominent  Iron Prominent  Pale Prominent  Orange Swift(2)  Common Carpet  Mother of Pearl (many)
 3 Aug Pebble Prominent  Mother of Pearl  Straw Underwing  Grey/Dark Dagger  Black Arches  Poplar Grey  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Shuttle-shape Dart  Dusky Thorn  Blood-vein
4 Aug Ruby Tiger  Pale Mottled Willow  Straw Underwing  Pyrausta purpuralis  Acrobasis advenella  
6 Aug Poplar Hawk (and eggs)  Orange Swift  Copper Underwing  Red Underwing  Canary-shouldered Thorn  Lime-speck Pug  Coronet  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Common Carpet  Common Rustic (spp)  Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)
7 Aug Magpie  Flounced Rustic  Marbled Beauty  Hummingbird Hawk (Stonor Park)  Yellow-barred Brindle  Pale Prominent  Common Plume (Anania emata (?)  Mother of Pearl (many)  Oblique Carpet  Brimstone  Single-dotted Wave
9 Aug Cochylimorpha stramina  Pandemis corylana (Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix)  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Least Carpet  Dark-barred Twin -spot Carpet  Lime-speck Pug
11 Aug Dusky Thorn  Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Common Wave  Flounced Rustic  Garden Carpet  Straw Underwing  Blastobasis adjustella
13 Aug Willow Beauty  Poplar Hawk  Swallow Prominent
14 Aug Lime-speck Pug (4)  Willow Beauty  Blood-vein
18 Aug Small Dusty Wave (indoors)  White Ermine 
19 Aug Treble Bar  Common White Wave  Snout  Flame Carpet  Green Carpet
21 Aug Poplar Hawk egg and cattie  Swallow Prominent  Pebble Prominent  Iron Prominent  Mother of Pearl  Common Carpet  Flounced Rustic  Brimstone  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (4)  Evergestis forficalis(Garden Pebble)
25 Aug Red Underwing  Burnished Brass (juncta)  Gold Spot  Chinese Character  Dusky Thorn  Willow Beauty (2)
28 Aug Engrailed  Maiden's Blush  Bordered Beauty  Common White Wave  Red Underwing 
29 Aug Buff Tip cattie
31 Aug Canary-shouldered Thorn  Brimstone (2)  Small Magpie  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Acleris variegata(Garden Rose Tortrix)   Pandemis corylana (Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix)  Shuttle-shape Dart  Rosy Rustic  Angle Shades  Poplar Hawk
2 Sept Old Lady  Common Wainscot  Frosted Orange  September Thorn  Large Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing  Snout  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Rosy Rustic  Orange Swift  Flounced Rustic
6 Sept Beautiful Hook-tip  Old Lady  Brimstone  Centre-barred Sallow  Pyrausta aurata  Copper Underwing
11 Sept Burnished Brass (aurea)
12 Sept Gold Spot  Centre-barred Sallow(3)  Gothic  Black Rustic
15 Sept Centre-barred Sallow   Black Rustic  Large Yellow Underwing (many)   Setaceous Hebrew Character (many)   White-shouldered House Moth (Endrosis sarcitrella)
27 Sept  Grey Dagger caterpillar
29 Sept  Sallow   Barred Sallow   Pink-barred Sallow   Centre-barred Sallow   Lunar Underwing   Light Emerald   Black Rustic (35)   Setaceous Hebrew Character  Common Wainscot  Willow Beauty (2)    Dark Swordgrass   Brown-spot Pinion   Beaded Chestnut  Autumnal Rustic  Light Briown Apple (Epiphyas postvittana)  Common Marbled Carpet   Red-green Carpet   Burnished Brass (both forms)   Common Wainscot   Angle Shades (3)
30 Sept  Black Rustic (many)   Lunar Underwing (many)  Vapourer (m 2)  Red Underwing  Rosy Rustic   Bright-line Brown-eye   Red-line Quaker
2 Oct  Swallowtailed    Black Rustic (many)  Lunar Underwing (many)  Frosted Orange   Burnished Brass (f aurea)
6 Oct  Red-green Carpet  Autumnal Rustic  Sallow (2 – both forms)  Pink-barred Sallow  
7 Oct  Red-green Carpet   Common Marbled Carpet  
8 Oct  Red Underwing  Black Rustic  Beaded Chestnut  Common Marbled Carpet
10 Oct  Merveille du Jour  Square-spot Rustic  Endotricha flammealis
15 Oct  Setaceous Hebrew Character (35)  Black Rustic (31)  Large Yellow Underwing (10) Lunar Underwing (8)  Red-line Quaker (5)  Square-dot Rustic (4)  Lesser Yellow Underwing (4)  Sallow (4)  Green-brindled Crescent (3)  Autumnal (2)  Centre-barred Sallow (2)  Beaded Chestnut (2)  Straw Dot (2)  Red-green Carpet  Common Marbled Carpet  Burnished Brass juncta  Rosy Rustic  Ruby Tiger  Snout  Silver Y Streamer  U/Ds  Hypstopygia costalis  Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix Pandemis heparana  Garden Rose Tortrix  Acleris varienaga
16 Oct  White-speck (v rare)  Blairs Shoulder-knot  Red-line Quaker  Brick  Lunar Underwing (9)  Beaded Chestnut (8)  Setaceous Hebrew Character (70  Large Yellow Underwing (4)  Black Rustic (3) Straw Dot (2)  Sallow  Barred Sallow  Square-spot Rustic  Autumnal Rustic  Centre-barred Sallow  Lesser Yellow Underwing  Red-line Quaker  Yellow-line Quaker  Brown Plume (Stenoptilia pterodactyla)
17 Oct  Large Wainscot   Merveille du Jour   Green-brindled Crescent  Hypsopygia glaucinalis   Straw Dot  Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)  Acleris sparsana  Light Brown Apple (Epyphias postrittana) Red-green Carpet
18 Oct  Angle Shades
19 Oct  Vestal  Sprawler  Large Wainscot  Common Plume (Emmelina monodactyla)
24 Oct   Scarce Bordered Straw   Vestal  Large Wainscot   Blairs Shoulder-knot with interesting pattern
29 Oct  Sprawler
30 Oct  Feathered Thorn  Juniper Carpet  Satellite
5 Nov  December
13 Nov  Sprawler  Feathered Thorn  December  Winter
5 Dec Mottled Umber
8 Dec  December


8 Jan  Winter
29 April  Nut-tree Tussock  Powdered Quaker  Hebrew Character
4 May  Emperor  Streamer  Swallow Prominent  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Muslin  Brindled Beauty  Pebble Prominent  V-Pug  Chocolate-tip  Least Black Arches  Early Grey
6 May  Acleris literana  Muslin  Pale Prominent  Scorched Carpet  Chinese Character
7 May  Poplar Hawk  Spectacle
10 May  White Ermine  Cinnabar  Green Carpet  Iron Prominent  Flame Shoulder
12 May  Orange Footman  Brimstone
13 May  Pine Beauty  Small Dusty Wave
15 May  Cinnabar  Muslin (Many)  Brimstone  Scalloped Hazel  Ochreous Pug  Agapeta hamana
19 May  Eyed Hawk (2) Poplar Hawk  Puss Moth  Cinnabar  White Ermine (2)  Bordered Quaker  Bright-line Brown-eye  Angle Shades
24 May  Peppered (and melanic type)  Sallow Kitten  Gold Spot  Cinnabar  Small Phoenix  Clouded-bordered Brindle  Treble Lines  Common Swift  Coxcomb Prominent  Bee  Waved Umber  Orange Footman  Buff Ermine
25 May  Elephant Hawk  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Pale Tussock  White-spotted Pug  Scorched Wing  Green Oak Tortrix  Phtheochroa rugosana  Light Brocade
27 May  Elephant Hawk  Poplar Hawk Burnished Brass Buff Tip  White Ermine (many)
May 28  Privet Hawk  White Ermine  Burnished Brass  Cinnabar  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Straw Dot  Treble Brown-spot  Common Marbled Carpet  Oak Tree Pug  Udea lutealis  Myelois circumvoluta (Thistle Ermine)  Dark Spectacle  Marbled Minor  Bright-line Brown-eye  Notocelia cynosbatella
1 June  White Ermine (many)
2 June  Green Silver Lines  Buirnished Brass  Pale Prominent  Poplar Grey  Lychnis  Privet Hawk  Clouded-bordered Brindle
3 June  Oak Hook-tip  Mottled Beauty  Dark Swordgrass  Straw Dot (many)  White Ermine (many)  Buff Ermine (many)  Green Carpet (many) Anania perlucidalis  Marbled Minor  Dingy Footman  Small Magpie  Middle-barred Minor  Flame Shoulder
4 June  Pale Tussock
5 June  Small Dusty Wave
7 June  Blood-vein  Buff Tip  Gold Spot  Large Yellow Underwing  Common White Wave  Large Nutmeg
9 June  Elephant Hawk (10)  Angle Shades  Small Angle Shades  Marbled Minor  Pale Tussock  Clouded Silver  Flame  Peppered  Pebble Prominent  Coronet  Dark Arches  White Ermine  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Sycamore  Silver Y (3)  Small Magpie  Wax  Clouded Border  Snout  Beautiful Hook-tip
10 June  Snout  Cinnabar  Adelida (spp)  White Plume  Figure of 80  Privet Hawk  Heart and Dart
11 June  Elephant Hawk  Privet Hawk
13 June  Pine Hawk  Elephant Hawk  Eyeyd Hawk  Grey Dagger  Donacaula farficella
15 June  Lobster  Green Oak Tortrix  Straw Dot  Green Pug  Marbled Minor  Buff Arches  Riband Wave
14 June  Elephant Hawk (3)  Lutea olivalis  Large Nutmeg  Turnip  Shoulder-strripe Wainscot  Common Wainscot  Muslin Footman  Grass Rivulet  Coronet  Clouded Silver  Willow Beauty  Calypha striana  Aleimma loefingiana
17 June  Elephant Hawk (3)  Buff Ermine  Heart and Dart  Small Magpie (many)  Lime-speck Pug  Udea olivalis
30 June  Swallowtail  Small Magpie  Buff Ermine  Common Rustic (sp)  Anania coronata
2 July  Scarlet Tiger  Mother of Pearl (many)  Small Magpie (many)  Muslin Footman (many)  Privet Hawk Elephant Hawk Yellow-tail  White Satin  Lappet  Small Elephant Hawk  Herald Acleris holmiana
6 July  Pine Hawk  Privet Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Eelephant Hawk  Miller  Blackneck  Leopard  Common Rustic (sp)  Nut-tree Tussock  Poplar Grey  Coronet  Least Carpet  Single-dotted Wave  Clay
15 July  Oak Hooktip  Mother of Pearl  Light Emerald  Ruby Tiger  Frosted Orange  Marbled Coronet  July Highflyer (2)  Silver Y  Bordered Beauty  Small Fan-footed Wave  Dun-bar
16 July  White Ermine  Coxcomb Prominent  Campion  Brimstone  Early Thorn  Gold Spot  Pale Prominent  Nut-tree Tussock  Dusky Thorn  Marbled Beauty
23 July  Black Arches  Mouse  Lime-speck Pug  Red Twin-spot Carpet  Red Carpet  Garden Carpet Canary-shouldered Thorn  Small Scallop  Anania coronata  Sallow Kitten
28 July  Ruby Tiger  Rosy Rustic  Shaded Broad-bar  Clouded Border  Marbled Beauty  Straw Dot  Blood-vein  Pyrausta purpurata  Juniper Pug  Ringed China-mark (Parapoynx stratiotata) (2)  Small Fan-footed Wave  Scalloped Oak  Common Swift  Poplar Hawk  Pine Hawk  Tawny-speckled Pug  Early Thorn  Marbled Beauty  Yellow Shell
29 July  Mother of Pearl (30)  Maidens Blush  Blood-vein (2)  Marbled Beauty  Clouded Brindle  Marbled Minor  Gold Spot  Ruby Tiger  Poplar Kitten  July Highflyer  Common Carpet  Red Twin-spot Carpet
30 July  Black Arches  Beautiful Plume (Amblyptilia acanthadactyla)  Common Plume  Argyresthia pruniella Red Carpet
31 July  Purple Thorn  Shuttle-shape Dart  Iron Prominent  Pebble Prominent Willow Beauty  (3)  Flame Carpet  Black Arches  Common Rustic (sp)  Poplar Hawk  Common Plume  Dark Arches  Marbled Coronet  Lime-speck Pug
3 Aug  Tawny-barred Angle   August Thorn  Pale Prominent
6 Aug  Straw Underwing  Agapeta hamana  Gold Spot  Ruby Tiger  Straw Dot  Common White Wave  Blood-vein (3)  Bright-line Brown-eye  Burnished Brass  Schoenobius gigantella
7 Aug  Poplar Hawk (5)  Gold Spot  Balsam Carpet  Brimstone  Swallow Prominent  Lesser Swallow Prominent  Common Plume (spp)
9 Aug  Poplar Hawk (7)  Heart & Club  White-point  Brimstone  Ruby Tiger  Dot Moth  Shuttle-shape Dart  Dark Spinach
10 Aug  Red Twin-sport Carpet (2)  Straw Underwing  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Common Rustic (Sp)  Small Square-spot  Willow Beauty  Silver Y  Rustic  Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix (Pandemis corylana)  Pyrausta aurata  Silver-ground Carpet
19 Aug Matilieali Fuscia  Peach Blossom  Poplar Hawk (2)  Setaceous Hebrew Character (lots)  Beautiful Plume  Flounced Rustic  Copper Underwing
22 Aug  Angle Shades (2)  Small China-mark  
27 Aug  Red Underwing  Centre-barred Sallow (2)  Green Carpet  Light Emerald (2)  Flounced Rustic (2) Square-spot Rustic  Lychnis  White-point  Mother of Pearl (many)  Brimstone  Swallow Prominent  Common Plume  U/Ds
6 Sept  Brimstone(2)  Lime-speck Pug  Oak Hook-tip  Large Yellow Underwing  Copper Underwing  Wax
16 Sept  Hypsopygia glaucinalis  Large Yellow Underwing
20 Sept  Frosted Orange  Silver Y  Black Rustic  Old Lady  Willow Beauty  Ingrailed Clay  Flounced Rustic  Beaded Chestnut
21 Large Ranunculus   Orange Sallow  Sallow  Green-brindled Crescent  Old Lady  Copper Underwing
22 Sept  Humminbird Hawk
27 Sept  Large Ranunculus  Black Rustic  Barred Sallow  Sallow  Lunar Underwing  Deep-brown Dart
8 Oct  Merveille du Jour (2)  Green-brindled Crescent  Red-green Carpet  
17 Oct  Willow Beauty  Blairs Shoulder-knot
26 Oct  Green-brindled Crescent  Barred Sallow  Merveille du Jour  November  Large Wainscot
4 Nov  Sprawler  Silver Y  December (6)  Blairs Shoulder-knot
11 Nov Turnip  Vestal  Merveille du Jour
18 Nov Brindled Green
24 Dec  Mottled Umber


2 Jan  Pale Brindled Beauty  Spring Usher
25 Jan  Pale Brindled Beauty
February – no specific dates:   Dotted Border   Pale Brindled Beauty  Double-stripe Pug
2 March  Common Quaker (10)  Small Quaker Hebrew Character  Small Brindled Beauty  Oak Beauty (2)
14 March   Common Quaker   Small Quaker  Hebrew Character  Clouded Drab
20 March   Emperor (hatched from my ancient eggs)
3 April  Early Grey  Brindled Beauty (2)  Hebrew Character  Small Quaker   Clouded Drab
11 April  Brindled Beauty (10)  Hebrew Character
21 April  Emperor  Hebrew Character  Early Grey  Powdered Quaker
22 April  Lunar Marbled Brown  Nut-tree Tussock  Pine Beauty   Waved Umber  Frosted Green  Plume spp  V-Pug    Shuttle-shape Dart  
27 April   Swallow Prominent (5)  Brimstone
9 May  Poplar Hawk   Least Dark Arches  Frosted Green  Flame Shoulder  Shuttle-shape Dart  Brindled Beauty  Muslin  Campion
10 May   Pebble Prominent  Spectacle   Waved Umber  Muslin
15 May  White Ermine  Poplar Hawk
16 May  Cinnabar  Lime Hawk  Green Carpet  Hebrew Character  Setaceous Hebrew Character  Treble Lines   Marbled Minor   Garden Carpet  Flame Shoulder  Garden Pebble
18 May  Coronet  20-Plume  Heart and Dart  Shuttle-shape Dart  Whitepoint (I think)  Early Grey  Common Swift  Silver Y   Seraphim  White Ermine  
30 May Muslin  Hebrew Character   Silver-ground Carpet
31 May  Marbled Minor (50) Privet Hawk   Elephant Hawk  Nematapogon metaxella
  Treble Bar  Treble Lines (30)  Clouded Silver  Buff Ermine   Light Brocade  Scorched Wing
1 June  Buff Tip  Eyed Hawk  Elephant Hawk Cinnabar (3)  Pseudargyratoza conwagana
 Spectacle   Pebble Prominent   Pale Tussock  Clouded Silver
3 June   Privet Hawk  Elephant Hawk (3)  Lime Hawk  Poplar Hawk (2)  Eyed Hawk
8 June   White Ermine   Small Magpie   Clouded Border   Peppered   Swallow Prominent   Marbled Minor  Shuttle-shape Dart   Angle Shades  Brown Rustic  Buff Tip  Heart and Dart  Middle-barred Minor  Light Emerald  Burnished Brass   Figure of 80  Light Brocade
14 June  Privet Hawk (3)  White Plume  Marbled Coronet   Gold Spot  Peppered   Buff Ermine  Reddish Light Arches  Lesser Yellow Underwing
17 June  Elephant Hawk   Small Elephant Hawk Pale Tussock  Garden Pebble  Green Pug   Large Twin-spot Carpet  Beautiful Hook-tip   Spectacle   Burnished Brass
19 June  Common Emerald   Small Fan-footed Wave  Dwarf Cream Wave  Clouded Silver   Clouded Border
21 June  Streaky’ White Ermine
23 June  Eyed Hawk   Poplar Hawk   Elephant Hawk  Small Elephant  Thistle Ermine  Heart & Club (I think)  Buff Arches  Cinnabar
Last week of June:  Scarlet Tiger  Light Arches  Dark Arches  Buff Tip   Eyed Hawk  Yellow Shell   Green Oak Tortrix  Light Brocade  Marbled Minor  Mottled Beauty  Common Wainscot
29 June July  Privet Hawk  Elephant Hawk (11) Small Elephant  Peppered   Swallowtailed   Tawny-barred Angle   Scarlet Tiger  Pseudargyrotoza convagarna
1 July  Lozotaeniodes formosana  Elephant Hawk (2)
3 July  Muslin Footman  Single Dotted Wave, Small Magpie   Treble Brown Spot  Clouded Border  Crambids (spp)  Large Fruit-tree Tortrix   Brown-line Bright-eye  Barred Straw  Smoky Wainscot
 5 July  White Plume   Small Dotted Buff  Dingy Shears  Clouded Border  Muslin Footman  Little Emerald  Variegated Golden Tortrix (Archips xylosteana)  
6 July  Peach Blossom  Marbled Coronet (6)
7 July  Burnished Brass (4)  Dingy Shell  Eucosma cana 
12 July  Drinker  Leopard
13 July  Lunar-spotted Pinion  Hypsopygia glaucinalis
 Green Arches  Small Bloodvein   Dark Umber  Poplar Grey  Small Emerald  Lime-speck Pug  
14 July  White Satin   Brown Plume  Scarce Footman  Common Footman  Small Fan-footed Wave
16 July  Poplar Hawk  Ruby Tiger   Crambus spp   Lesser Cream Wave   Small Fan-footed Wave  Single-dotted Wave
17 July   Poplar Hawk (5)   Meal Moth  Dusky Sallow   Slender Brindle   Rosy Rustic  Least Carpet (2) 
18 July  Pyrausta purpuralis  Chrysoteuchia culmella
  Common Emerald   August Thorn   Brimstone 
26 July  Pine Hawk  Ruby Tiger (4)  Dun-bar  Marbled Beauty
29  July  Sallow Kitten   Poplar Kitten  Yellowtail  Calamotropha paludella
 Red Twin-spot Carpet (2)  Common Carpet  Spindle Ermine  Elephant Hawk (2)  Poplar Hawk  Gold Spot  Mother-of-Pearl (30)   Dusky Sallow  Marbled Green   Marbled Beauty
4 Aug  Caloptria pinella  Mother of Pearl (dozens)  July Highflyer  Least Carpet  Shaded Broad-bar
5 Aug  Tree-lichen Beauty    Marbled Green   Marbled Beauty  Pyrausta aurata  Acrobasis advenella  Peppered Moth 
6 Aug  Pine Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Privet Hawk  Elephant Hawk 
7 Aug   Scorched Carpet  Least Carpet  Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet  Yellow-tail  Black Arches  August Thorn  Common Swift  Large Yellow Underwing   Ghost Moth  Dark Arches  Pale Prominent  Spindle Ermine   Bird-cherry Ermine  
14 Aug  Poplar Hawk  Burnished Brass  Agonopterix aranella  Buff Ermine
15 Aug   Garden Pebble (Evergestis forficalis)  European Corn-borer (Ostrinia nubilalisRinged China-mark   Straw Dot  Red Twin-spot Carpet   Lime-speck Pug  Common Swift   Flounced Rustic  Plume (spp)
16 Aug  Ringed China-mark  Orange Swift  Pale Oak Beauty  Burnished Brass  Mother-of-Pearl  Square-spot Rustic
18 Aug  Dusky Thorn  Canary-shouldered Thorn (2)  Yellow Shell   Double-striped Pug  Copper Underwing  Brimstone  Burnished Brass  
20 Aug   Common Wainscot (2)
23 Aug Mother-of-Pearl (many) Orange Swift  Willow Beauty 
24 Aug  2 Poplar Hawk   2 Elephant Hawk   Hebrew Character   Riband Wave  Green Carpet (3)  Double-striped Pug  Square-spot Rustic  Silver Y   Pebble Prominent  
28 Aug  Angle Shades  Elephant Hawk  Poplar Hawk  Willow Beauty Mottled Beauty
9 Sept  Red Underwing  Burnished Brass  Hebrew Character  August Thorn  Centre-barred Sallow Brimstone  Pale Eggar
10 Sept Red Underwing   Square-spot
15 Sept Treble Bar
17 Sept Clifden Nonpareil   Angle Shades
19 Sept  Light Emerald  Autumnal Rustic  Udea lutealis  Flounced Rustic   Oak Hook-tip
22 Sept  Red Underwing  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing (4)  Burnished Brass
24 Sept  Autumnal Rustic  Lesser Yellow Underwing  August Thorn  Frosted Orange Pale Oak Beauty Brimstone (3)  Large Marbled Carpet  Rosy Rustic
26 Sept  Black Rustic (6)  Sallow  White-point  Lunar Underwing   Snout
2 Oct Common Wainscot   Black Rustic   Blairs Shoulder-knot
3 Oct  Angle Shades  Lunar Underwing (many)  Beaded Chestnut
5 Oct  Merveille du Jour  Barred Sallow   Dark Chestnut  Beaded Chestnut  Silver Y  Red-Green Carpet  Sallow  Plume (spp) Dark Marbled Carpet  Common Marbled Carpet
12 Oct  Large Wainscot  Common Wainscot  Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing
25 Oct  Gold Triangle (Hypsopygia costalis)  Garden Rose Tortrix (Acleris variegana)  Sallow (2)
30 Oct  Green-brindled Crescent   Merveille du Jour  Sallow  Mottled Umber  Snout  Silver Y  Red-green Carpet  Yellow-line Quaker  November (4)
3 Nov  Mottled Umber  Red-green Carpet  Yellow-line Quaker  Beaded Chestnut  Black Rustic Large Wainscot
5 Nov  Sprawler (2)  Black Rustic  Beaded Chestnut
17 Nov  December (9)  Green-brindled Crescent (capucina)  Feathered Thorn  Sprawler
25 Nov  Feathered Thorn  December (5)


12 Jan Common Plume
13 Jan Pale Brindled Beauty


Paul Hopkins said...

Hi Martin - a collection which puts my 230 or so garden species to shame!

I wonder if your Celypha lacunana pic is actually a Scoparia or Eudonia sp. though? (I daren't guess which one).

All the best,

MartinWainwright said...

Hi Paul - sorry for the delay; I've been away back in Leeds and only just checked this. Thanks very much indeed for your trouble. I am sure that you will be right. I'll double check and change as necessary in the morning. Really appreciated. I'm slogging through, putting in the pictures - hope to finish not too late in the New Year. All warmest wishes, Martin

MartinWainwright said...

Hi again Paul

I've substituted another C.lacunana, this one identified at the time by Ben Sale, so I feel that I am on surer ground. But plase let me know if you have any doubts. Thanks v much again, Martin

Unknown said...

I'm not a moth watcher but I've thoroughly enjoyed your directory and indeed all your moth blogs since I've started reading them just recently. It's such a peaceful and meditative contrast to the tension of today's news and politics. I go straight from the BBC news pages to your blog to see what's happening in this other dimension where time seems to stand still and small is big. Thanks!

Martin Wainwright said...

Hi Angie

I'm so pleased to read your comments and thanks very much for taking the time and trouble to post them. I have always been grateful to the people who kindled my interest in the natural world and I am very pleased when young people - and not just young ones - discover its wonders too. They put the hurly burly of life into perspective, I think.

All warm wishes and thanks again


Unknown said...

Love your blog. Do you know anything about moths that like evening Primrose. A few years ago lots came to my garden and now none. Anna

Martin Wainwright said...

Hi Anna - I'm very glad that you enjoy the blog. Much appreciated. I'm not an expert but Evening Primrose has a reputation for attracting moths because its flowers are open at night and it is quite strongly scented. Do you have a light trap? I ask because they are the only certain way that I know of, of finding out how many moths you have in the garden. A strong outside light often suffices but I think that you need to invest in the real thing for rewarding results. Either that or settling down in a deckchair on a warm summer's night with a glass of something and watching the flowers closely! All warm wishes and good luck, Martin

Anonymous said...

This is SO COOL