Saturday 27 July 2019

Home again

Do moths fly in the rain? Definitely, including some whoppers like the very worn but still game Pine Hawk in my first picture.  On the left is the trap shining in mizzly drizzle. The little specks of light are whirling moths, just a few of the many which were around between 8.30pm when I turned it on and 10.30 when I turned it off for fear that the night of rain which was forecast (accurately, it turns out) might blow the bulb.
Here are some more pics of the rakish Pine Hawk followed by four different Ruby Tigers, one of the commonest moths in the eggboxes at the moment. 

Then we have what I think is my first Dun-bar of the year but it could just be an Angle-striped Sallow, an immigrant moth which I haven't recorded yet. It's followed by an impressive beetle which I initially mistook for a flat slug. And the tail-end Charlie is a lovely and well-named Marbled Beauty.

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