Time to make amends, a little, for my lamentations about 'small, brown moths' here in Britain compared with the treasures discovered by Tom, Abi and Rosie in Central America. It's not all dull here. This morning, in a moth trap busy with two hawk moths (Poplar and Lime) and a rich variety of Waves, Carpets and some 50 other arrivals, there were these two examples of bejewelled insects.
For a different, pallidly delicate form of beauty, here (below) is the Clouded Silver which also dropped in last night. It is another success story in the UK, having "increased dramatically" in Yorkshire since the 1970s according to Messrs Waring, Townsend and Lewington, authors of my ever-indispensable Field Guide to the Moths of Great Britain and Ireland (British Wildlife Publishing).
Beautiful Golden Y it is, Martin.
Thanks ever so, Dean. I knew one of my buddies would help. Warm wishes, Martin
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