A lovely moth this morning: the Buff Ermine, yellowy relative of the pristine White Ermine whose beauty attracted an approving comment below a post a couple of weeks ago. There were two in the trap, along with two White Ermines; the one above which was easy to photograph on its cheerful background of a Happy Egg box (what defines a 'happy' egg? I must ask the company some time). The other was part of this conclave in an eggbox cone below, along with a fading Green Carpet and a Bright-line Brown-eye.
Along with the Ermine came another distinctive moth. You can probably make a decent guess at its name if you look at the picture below. The Nose Moth? No. The Snout Moth? Yes. It is the Cyrano de Bergerac of the tribe, varied in colour as you can see and also larger in the first generation, which is currently on the wing. A second brood will hatch in late August, generally smaller in size.
Things are busying up now, and there were plenty of other excellent moths in the trap after a warmish night with honeysuckle drenching the garden with scent at dusk. Below are a handsome Buff Tip and a lovely Marbled Minor, a Middle-barred Minor (two pics), a Garden Carpet, a Grass Rivulet (I think) and a very handsome Beautiful Golden Y (the Beautiful is part of its name, not me gushing.
The Marbled Minor as first seen. I had to rip open one of my brand new eggboxes to get the other, better pic |
Finally, the usual Bafflers. I am working on these... A micro, a beautifully subtle, small dark moth, a lovely Carpet, a handsome grey Rustic or Shoulder-knot or some such, a Pug and A.N.Other (or is it the same as the small dark one just mentioned?)
And hooray! Ben Sale has been in touch - see Comments - and I've added his unfailing expertise in the captions. Many thanks. Ben).
Celypha lacunana |
Tawny Marbled Minor? Ben thinks probably, but can only by distinguished from Rufous by intimate examination... |
Is it a Broken-barred Carpet? No, a Common Marbled one (extremely varied species) |
Rustic Shoulder-knot gone grey? Nope, a Large Nutmeg, a new moth for me |
Grey Pug, poor thing, what a boring moth and name (though maybe it leads a fascinating life. I shall check one day) |
Brown Rustic - thanks again Ben |
Hi Martin (again)
Well done on the Grass Rivulet, a moth I have never seen.
Here to help if need be.
1. Celypha lacunana
2. Probably Tawny Marbled Minor, but I have had Rufous like that (though needs to be genetically determined)
3. Common Marbled Carpet
4. Large Nutmeg
5. Grey Pug
6. Brown Ryustic
Take care.
Ben you are a star! I will add that info in straight away. The moths are excellent and abundant now that the weather is getting better and the season advancing. I very much hope the same's true with you - will pop over to your website to see
all warmest and many thanks - much appreciated as ever
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