Nothing much in the trap this morning apart from this very handsome Early Grey, so I will post my Election Moth a couple of days early to give you time to think. It's another of Penny's finds, a more-or-less mummified Large Yellow Underwing which ended its days on a window-sill and then got stuck in a niche in a battered old wastepaper basket which I brought back as a souvenir from China 25 years ago.
I'm not sure which party has the best line on moths, but there are enthusiasts in all of them, notably Madeleine Moon who runs the Parliamentary moth group and is defending a reasonable majority - by today's dodgy standards - in Bridgend. I'm not so sure about Graham Allen, though, much as I admire him in all other respects. He sent me this press release in February:
Graham Allen MP has complained about a moth infestation in his Westminster office corridor.” It is not true that the first moth arrived when I opened my wallet nor when I had to examine my 1987 expenses claims, the fact is Michael Gove MP brought in a second hand Moroccan carpet and ever since we have been plagued by them. Michael Gove somehow has managed to get a transfer to another [moth free]office. I hope the Common House moth does not take up permanent residence and become the House’s Common moth”
Mind you, he's safe as houses in Nottingham North, where it would take a truly seismic rebellion by moth enthusiasts to install a Lib Dem or Tory. As for Michael Gove, he may be our next education secretary, a job with great potential for encouraging young entomologists. He's equally unlikely to be overthrown in Surrey Heath. Anyway, whatever your views please VOTE. It's nonsense to say that it doesn't matter, or they're all the same.
Hey Martin - a good public service announcement with a mothy twist! I am very interested to see what happens in your elections as a result of my pretend friend Claire Bolderson's interviews with folks about whether they were going to vote and why. Seems to be a movement for change and lets hope the next PM has an easier time than our wonderful POTUS when it comes to actually effecting it. xxs
Hi there S! Great to hear from you asa ever. Hope the painting is going well.
Our election is unusually interesting because of the three-party nature of the contest this time - partly given life, so far as the Liberal Democrats are concerned, by the first-ever party leader TV debates in which their Nick Clegg had equal footing with Gordon Brown and David Cameron and used it to full advantage.
Can you believe, as an American, that it's taken us all these years to have one of these debates on TV - the sort of thing Kennedy and Nixon did back in 1960, was it. Yes, actually, I imagine you can...
Hope your moths are zooming forth. Pen has just come in and sends love. Back to work... xx M
Hi Martin - I am answering your comment on my blog - on your blog!! Your election has been most exciting, hasn't it? I listened to Brown's comments and to Camerons this morning , but missed Clegg's, if there was one. Sad about the Lib-Dems - I liked what I heard from them. And yes, I did see the Malvern Hills view this morning - in fact, in some kind of 21st century couples' moment, we watched and listened together this morning while we drank our morning coffee in bed! TMI. possibly, but there is it. Greg was remembering, envyingly, how you went around this country years ago doing the BBC thing about American authors. xxs
Ooops - I realized as I hit send that I put the apostrophe in the wrong place on couples!! Meant couple's. Don't tell Penny!!
Hi there both! I'm having my morning tea just now - P is in the shower. Sorry about this Jane Austen depth of domestic detail... I do indeed lead a jammy life. We now wait to see which way the Lib Dems will go. I hope that we may be in for a period of politics such as they have had for long stretches in Germany, where the two big parties - essentially equivalents of our Labour and Conservative - depend on the Free Democrats, who are sort-of like the Lib Dems only more right wing. It all depends on Lib Dem strength keeping up in enough constituencies to prevent either of the Twins getting an overall majority, and actually the portents for that are quite good. Both our local supermarket and my Mum's are now Lib Dem, for example, because the party won Bradford East as well as holding Leeds North West. Bradford and Leeds are big, serious cities, so it shows the party has a good, solid appeal. It also won Manchester Central. Anyway, we shall see. It's too chilly to trap at the mo, but am hoping to restart tonight. X to both.
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