
Wednesday, 18 November 2020

A mild mixture

The damp weather is a bit of a frustration at the moment but the compensation, on nights which stay dry as happened yesterday, is that the temperatures are pleasantly mild. Moth numbers are reasonably good as a result, and the variety is welcome at a time of year when fewer species are usually about.

This morning saw three Red-green Carpets, for example, two on the house wall near the trap and one in an eggbox which hoisted its wings into 'butterfly mode' when I clumsily knocked the box while fishing out another one. It then transferred to the bulbholder and was still there an hour later, now with its wings in the usual, flatback position.

There were also two examples of that lovely moth, the raked-wing Angle Shades which flies all year round although usually in smaller numbers over the winter. And the trap's transparent cowl hosted a nice, fresh Mottled Umber with its russety Autumnal colouring.

A December moth in the eggboxes and a Silver Y down at the bottom of the wall near the grass rounded things off nicely; a good collection for one night so late in the year.

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