
Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Confused (as ever) of Thrupp

Update: as Edward suggest in Comments, this post was intended for the Upper Thames Moths blog, where a revised version of it now is. I am getting old! Mind you, I'm also having to get up early, before the grandchildren, to get things done, so my mind may not be on its usual razor-like form. I'm leaving the post here to remind myself, and also because I don't like deleting things I've published, as faithful readers can tell by my long chronicle of admitted error.  A further update will follow, once the UTM experts have ruled on whether or which of these are Flounced Rustics or Straw Underwings.

Further update:  I feel slightly better thanks to the verdicts of two helpful colleagues on the UTM blog.  One says modestly: We'll see when Dave adjudicates and we'll see how far out I am! Top left Straw Underwing all the rest Flounced Rustic, while the other suggests: Hi Martin, for me the top left and bottom right are FR (with the latter being more typical if there is such a thing), while the top right and bottom left are SU (especially from the bright pale inner edge to the outer crossband and the outer edge with dark inward-pointing arrowheads - although having said that there are SUs where these features are less prominent, but then there is always the colour of the underwing!). Also the top right and bottom left moths are more thickset, like FR.   So I am not alone. 😅   More information as and when.

Hi everyone and thanks in advance for help in sorting me out over these. I gaily went for Straw Underwings but a friend suggests that they include Flounced Rustics.  Or maybe they are all Flounced Rustics. I have looked at them until brown whorls and black dashes spin before my eyes. Sorry!  What I really want is a Silver-striped Hawk moth.  PS Has anyone else found that the new Blogger is giving them the biggest picture size by default? Doesn't take long to adjust, but slightly annoying. Martin Wainwright, Thrupp


  1. This was meant for the UTM blog?

  2. Hi Edward


    I like firsts, and this is one.

    I've reposted a version to UTM where by chance, Dave Wilton referred to the FL being the year's latest 'confusion moth'. How very true!

    all vb as ever

