
Saturday, 8 April 2017

I had a little nut tree

Actually (following on from my title), I didn't have a little nut tree; I had a little Nut-tree Tussock, a nice new arrival for the year among a positive crowd of Hebrew Characters. The Tussock is a double-brooded moth here in the south of England, appearing now and then again in July and August when this generation's offspring will hatch. Back in Yorkshire, it appeared only once a year, in May and June. The female, I note from the Moth Bible, is 'rather sedentary', leaving the male to buzz around on errands, including visiting my trap.

In spite of this, both regional populations retain the precaution of very fine breeches, as you can see in my second photo. Elsewhere in the trap, it was interesting to have two rather differently patterned Brindled Beauties. Variations in colour and pattern are very common in moths and lead often to my downfall when I attempt identifications of small, brown types.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Martin

    Just wondering if while the bottom picture is a Brindled Beauty, could the top picture be a Small Brindled Beauty hence the difference?
