
Thursday, 14 July 2016

Delicate souls

I'm starting my long-delayed catch-up today, but first I can't resist posting this picture of a Comma, taken yesterday on the second of various pre-birthday treats for Penny (the family are coming on the actual day, this Saturday, and entertainment will then be directed largely by the two-year-old...

The Comma was swooping about at an historic spot as you can see from the plaque above: the Jacobean mansion of Chastleton House in the Cotswolds which is very well preserved by the National Trust in the grubby state in which its last private owner left it. Penny and my overwhelming feeling when pottering round such places is sympathy for those obliged to live in them; but there were clearly occasions such as family weddings when the vast pile came into its stately own.

So, now for some of my backlog, focussing on the daintier and more delicate arrivals in the last two weeks:

Cinnabars - can you spot all three?
Barred Straw
Common Marbled Carpet
And again
Clouded Silver and Wormwood or Currant Pug (I think)
Mottled Beauty
And another

And a third
Lesser Cream Wave (I'm guessing)

Clouded Border

And again

Single-dotted Wave

Engrailed (I think)

And again, I think)

Green Pug

And once more, closer-to

And finally a delicate toadstool. Should a friendly mycologist be passing, we may discover which it is.


  1. Hi Martin. I came upon your blog when googling for photos of the Black Arches' pink abdomen, and then stayed to read more. What a great blog!

    I've been running an actinic light trap in Wimbledon (SW London) for just over a year. I don't get the same impressive haul of moths as you (e.g. I've only ever caught one hawkmoth), and I'm very much a beginner, but I'm sure I'll know a lot more when I've read through more of your posts :-)

  2. Hi there - and what an excellent subject to Google. The Black Arches is one of my favourite moths; the wing pattern is wonderful and I still recall the moment when I first saw the amazing pink body too. We didn't have them in Leeds but they're regulars here, every year.

    Good luck with your trap; I guess you can't use a mercury vapour bulb in a faily built-up area but people get very good results with actinic traps. I'm very pleased you enjoy the blog - I just wish I could crack IDs better. I've ben trying for so long that I'm pretty sure I won't ever succeed.

    All warmest wishes and very good luck with what is a fascinating hobby

