
Monday, 23 November 2015

Martin's modernisation

Morning all!

Regular readers will have noticed a difference in the blog and I apologise for disruption, in the manner of building firms which ask us to bear with them while they divert the pavement or make a lot of noise.

Yes, inspired by having to design a blog for another group (the result can be admired or scorned here), I have discovered all sorts of wizardry on the incomparable Blogger which I never knew existed.

Now some of this has been applied to Martin's Moths, most obviously in the blaze of glorious Technicolor above. Perhaps more important and useful, you can now examine Pages (yes, dimwit that I am, I never knew you could make Pages as well as Posts). Click on one of the tabs above - on the Difference between butterflies and moths, How to attract moths and My records - for permanent, easy-to-access stuff on these subjects.

I will be adding and tweaking and fiddling with things for a while to come. It's been very cold here - two nights of frost have finally killed the wonderfully long-flowering tender plants in our garden - and so my light-trapping will be very intermittent between now and March. This has two advantages: I can get on with other things, such as making breakfast or washing up last night's pots; and this explanatory post can stay on the front page for a good long time.

I have illustrated it with moths looking out at you, in the hope that you will explore them and their world in return. The blog archive on the right goes way back to 2008, when the Spectacle moth shown here was the very first picture that I published. I've been browsing back through the years myself in search of photographs and, though I say it who shouldn't, I got re-hooked.

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