
Sunday, 7 June 2015

Public bar

I've chosen today's heading because the eggbox inhabitants this morning remind me of a cosy country pub with a cast of familiar locals, a couple maybe playing shove ha'penny or pub skittles and the others with 'their' seats round the room. Northing out of the ordinary but comfy and reassuring. So with these superficially unexceptional but actually beautifully patterned moths.

I'm very blessed at the moment by kind commentors with better ID skills than I possess (and I'm also conscious that I need to update past posts to take account of this). Thanks to the renewed confidence these readers have given me, I am going to say boldly that we have here, in order of the pictures, a Large Nutmeg (with a greeny hue which I think the camera has drawn from the bosky photo in the background) a Bright-line Brown-eye, another Large Nutmeg and a Heart and Dart with a Brown Rustic behind. Update: Dave Wilton confirms them all - 100 percent, hooray!

I hope you are having the same sunny weather as we are. I feel in a generally heart-warmed mood after getting an email from the friend to whom I conveyed a Poplar Hawk last week, to show her and her husband before it batted off into the evening skies of Summertown. "I can honestly say that I have never been given a present that has given more joy than the moth," she starts. I'm sure that isn't true if she reflects on her past presents at greater length. But it made me joyful as well, and may perhaps also serve to intrigue any passing reader of this to whom moths have so far been a marginal feature of life's round. 

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