
Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Shouldering the task

I am quite enjoying my trapless life because of the premium it places on scouting for moths at other, less powerful sources of light. Here is my latest trophy, a Grey Shoulder-knot which has over-wintered and was out last night out savouring the chilly delights of March 2015.

It doubles my tally so far, which shows how sparse the harvest is when the moth hunter's mercury vapour bulb expires. But these are early days and the mornings remain too cold and insufficiently light to galvanise me to order a replacement.


  1. A bit of old-fashioned field craft, very commendable.

    I always do plenty of searches without the use of MV, or other light, and it is very rewarding, in fact it has got me to 49 species for the year already.

    Although things are starting to pick up at the trap now too.

    All the best


  2. Hi Dave

    Many apols for extreme sloth in replying - am only just getting going for the season. I should have a new bulb any day now and then normal service will resume. All warmest - though a nip remains in the air. Happy trapping too!

