
Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Peace and quiet

I once stayed in a Quaker B&B in the Lake District and much enjoyed it, although the well-meaning practice of befriending a solitary guest at breakfast wasn't specially welcome in my own case as, like Greta Garbo, I wanted to be alone.

This wasn't due to any dramatic emotional events in my life but simply because I needed a bit of time to check out my day's planned fell-walking on my maps and guide. Luckily the lost opportunity to do this didn't result in my getting lost.

Anyway, the eggboxes this morning triggered these reminiscences as they were exceptionally peaceful and scarcely populated, the only residents being a Red-line Quaker - top picture Update: sorry No, it's a Brick Moth - as is Richard in Comments for putting me right on this - and the November, or possibly Autumnal - Moth, shown at the bottom.

We were back late from London where we combined our usual grand-daughter doting with seeing the amazing poppies at the Tower of London (see little pics - amazing how the flowers pour from the castle wall), so I didn't put out the trap 'til almost midnight. By then it was pretty cold and I suspect that most sensible moths were abed.


  1. Hi Martin,
    The irregular, wavy sub-terminal line on your Red-line Quaker shows it's a Brick.
    All the best,

  2. Ah that's completely brilliant Richard. I knew I'd had Bricks but didn't have a record of one so far this season. And so I blunder on...

    Much appreciated as always


  3. Hi Martin,

    Catching up more on the blog front and further to my comment on your Hibernit post as to the presence of a Brick, the moth on this post you had as RLQ is indeed just that. The overall grey wing colour and what is a straight enough sub terminal line confirm this,

    All the best

