
Saturday, 23 August 2014


Today is a record of curious places visited by moths and men. In the first case, here is a unusual lair for a Large Yellow Underwing: an unopened packet of miniature French Foreign Legionnaires and their Bedouin opponents. As our long, slow sort-out continues, I spotted the new and contented tenant in a box whose purpose or intended recipient has long vanished from Penny and my minds.

As for men, the explorer was myself, wobbling up a ladder to the roof of our shed for some experimental high-level light trapping. Well, ten feet high, anyway. The results were unimpressive; the sparsest number of moths since back in March. Mind you, it was almost as cold as March last night so that may be the reason rather than the unusual location. I will try again in warmer times.

Publishing weird photos such as these which such ease and lack of expense makes me marvel again at how far technoloogy has taken us in the last two or three decades.  Can you imagine using the old methods of buying a 36-exposure film for £3 or £4, waiting first to finish it and then a week or so for the chemist to get it developed (another £5-£7), and finally sticking it in an album (further outlay of £3 or so) to be seen by...well, no-one much?

A nice little Wainscot. Otherwise there were a dozen rustics and a few Flame Shoulders , like the garrison of a desert fort in one of the Beau Geste stories

As it happens, I can, because my 95-year-old mother-in-law who lives with us still uses film, thanks to postal suopply and development services which seem to be largely based in Lancashire. She, however, does not photograph moths.

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