
Saturday, 7 September 2013


In the general rush yesterday morning, with the murky weather, poor light and visitors due, I had only time for a rather rushed look at the trap which I then bundled back into the safety of the shed. This is secure against hungry birds but has enough holes and cracks for any restless moth to flit through if so inclined.  I've not done this before, on the assumption that most of the moths will wake up and take their leave during the day. Surprise, surprise: when I finally had the chance to return to the eggboxes at 7.15pm - after The Archers on Radio 4 - at least 200 moths were still there, and still sound asleep.

The light was starting to fade again, but I got a slightly better picture - at the head of this post - of the Dark Marbled Carpet featured yesterday, and a series of other characters which had escaped my hasty scanning in the morning. Here they are, smallish, sober-hued and not my favourite types of moth when it comes to ID...

Brown-spot Pinion

Heart and Dart

Common or Lesser Common Rustic - check genitalia to differentiate, if keen
Update: but no need because Richard in Comments corrects me and this 
is a Cabbage Moth, new for me here

Teeny. One of the Pyralis micros? (he speculated vaguely) Update: nope, 
Expert Dave in Comments IDs it with ace precision as a Nettle-tap 
- Anthophila facriciana. MANY thanks.

Um... Update: CT in Comments suggests a Square-spot Rustic 
and I think she is right

Common Quaker Update: No, thanks v much to Richard in Comments for spotting
another new one for me: Vine's Rustic


It was chilly by the time I'd finished, so I thought I'd give the moths - and myself - a break and let darkness rule in the Wainwright garden.  The lamp will be lit again this evening, provided that the rain stays away.


  1. Your "um" could be a faded square spot rustic? Looking at a couple of yours I think I may have miss id'd a couple of mine this week. Too many of them look the same with fragile differences! CT :-)

  2. I think you're right. Many thanks. I am learning, gradually. Very gradually. All warm wishes, M

  3. Hi Martin,
    I think your Common Rustic is a Cabbage Moth and the Common Quaker is a Vine's Rustic.

  4. Hi Martin,

    Agree with above comments and your 'teeny' one is Nettle-tap (Anthophila fabriciana).



  5. Thanks one and all. Does that still leave my 'Er...'?

    all v best as always


