
Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Rainbow nation

We've been back in the world's finest city, Leeds, which was blessed with this rainbow as we drove through, a consolation for the autumn weather which has arrived in the UK. The chillier and wetter nights signal the start of my annual lethargy at trapping. Reports will be less frequent from now on.

Having said that, this Burnished Brass was a joy to behold in the trap this morning, as was the floating baguette of a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing below. There were at least 75 moths among the eggboxes too, which is very respectable, even if most of the others were the smallish, brownish and greyish brethren who cause me such problems with ID.

Here are some, including a couple of Snouts with their palps - a somewhat mysterious organ of insects - respectively open and closed.  Weather permitting, I shall be lighting the lamp again tonight, as Penny has come back with an exciting pink eggbox, the first time that colour has appeared among the blues, greens, greys and beiges familiar in the trap.

A Large Yellow Underwing and a Setaceous Hebrew Character playing at being
characters from an L S Lowry painting



IDs of these last ones to come... Update: and thanks to CT and Dave
in Comments I can tell you this one is a Lesser Yellow Underwing

And this one is a Square-spot Rustic


  1. Second from bottom- Lesser Yellow Underwing?

  2. Hi Martin,

    Yes agree with Lesser YU and last one is Square-spot Rustic


  3. Thanks both, very much appreciated as always

    all warmest (in the increasing cold...)

