
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Guardian-reading moths

My old employer the Guardian has a column about readers called Good to Meet You and here is a contribution: my best moths yesterday - above - were brought along to tea by a long-standing friend, Rupert Besley. He describes them as '...a friendly if argumentative type, capable of picking holes in anything.'

Besley postcards add joy to life - courtesy Rupert's absorbing website, link now

He is an ace cartoonist and author and everyone should buy his books, postcards and other artistic products. His Guardian Reader moths have already found a place on our walls, although I shall now try to tempt him to bring another cartoon, of the hip, young people who are gradually replacing ancient cardigan-and-sandal Guardianistas such as myself. Actually, I don't own any sandals. I prefer bedroom slippers, much to Penny's horror.

Less welcome but entertaining was this rather scratty Robin which impudently came and sat on the trap rim while I peered at rather thinly-populated eggboxes this morning. A loose connection last night meant that the lamp didn't start glowing 'til after 11pm when I was sleepily heading for bed and realised that the usual eerie glow outside wasn't there.

Some nice arrivals, though, headed by the Swallow Prominent above and Rosy Rustic below (Update: No; it's a Small Square-spot. Many thanks to Dave in Comments), followed by a Setaceous (or bristly) Hebrew Character.

And lastly, for now, two (or is it one and the same?) of those debatable characters whose finely patterned but infuriatingly similar wing patterns drive me to distraction. Identifications will follow, I swear it. Update: and thanks to CT and Dave in Comments, they do now. The first is a Straw Underwing and the second a Flounced Rustic.


  1. Your last one could be a flounced rustic? :-)

  2. Thanks v much as ever CT. That looks likely. Am hoping for a Moth Bible sesh later. All v best M

  3. Hi Martin,

    Just catching up after two weeks mothing in SW France.

    Penultimate moth is Straw Underwing and your 'rosy rustic' is for me, Small Square-spot.



  4. Many thanks Dave - hope you had a great holiday and many moths - and that our weather now improves to welcome you back. I will update now. All warm wishes, M
