
Saturday, 12 May 2012

Happy Anniversary!

It's our Wedding Anniversary today and the trap has furnished a couple of appropriate moths which I photographed in this morning's bright May sunshine. First a lovely Powdered Quaker which has something of the bride about it, maybe. Slightly off-white, I confess, but not I think too much of a Miss Havisham.

And then here is this dashing Early Grey, standing in for the groom - who 33 years ago did indeed wear a rather fine cord suit of light grey into which he could no longer possibly fit. With commendable decorum, both moths settled on the tasteful, pastel eggboxes, rather than the bold and brassy Happy Eggs ones.

I was wrong in one respect in my forecast yesterday btw; the weather is much better now but 'warmish' is not the right word for it. Not yet.


  1. Thanks very much!

    It's lovely and sunny in Leeds - hope also with you

    all v best


  2. Hi Martin - I am painting in sunny, but not so warm France at the moment - but missed the blog yesterday because a few of us took a spin around the Loire Valley. Greg arrives this Saturday (yay!) for two weeks at our favorite vacation spot - french school! Anyway, happy anniversary to you and Penny - time flies when you're having fun, eh? Love to you both. xxs

  3. Bonjour les Merediths! J'espere qu la belle France est meme la belle sous le gouvernement nouveau dem M. Francois Hollande. L'ecole de Penny s'est appele 'Francis Holland'. Alors, elle est content.

    Love to the chateaux!

    M & P
