
Monday, 16 April 2012

We are moths!

My younger son Olly has come to my aid on another mothless day. Frost rimes the lawn for the second morning running and I don't feel disposed to trap. But he has been to the exhibition at the Hayward gallery on London's South Bank of the work of the comic artist David Shrigley. Comic, that is, in the sense that many good artists have been, by using fun in the work to make serious or interesting points.

Olly spotted and 'phone-photoed this exhibit, which reminds me of the local slogan 'We are Leeds!' which impressively loyal followers of Leeds United FC chant through thick and thin. I haven't had time to think, or Google, about why Shrigley composed this mothfest (and bear in mind that he is a trained artist, perfectly able to draw and paint accurately rather than simply with the verve of a primary school child). But has led me to a very good blog called Moths by the Way, which seems to have lived out its brief life much like a moth but is full of good things.

It in turn led me to this other combination of moth and Shrigley which you can actually get as a T-shirt although it's a bit too grey for my own fashion tastes.

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