
Friday, 17 June 2011

Old friends, old scenes, will lovelier be...

The season moves on, and familiar faces from this time last year - or in some cases a few weeks ahead because of the warmer Spring this time round - have started to congregate in the trap. Above we've got a rather handsome Dusky Brocade and then I think that these two below are Common Rustics,a famously variable moth. Update. No we haven't got a Dusky Brocade, sorry. It's a rather handsome Grey Arches. Thanks to Ben the Real Expert (see Comments) who also nails the third moth as a Clouded-bordered Brindle.

As for this pretty little Carpet, reading the Egg Code upside down, below, I had to put on my strong reading glasses to try to work out which one it is of a similar-looking bunch in Waring, Townend and Lewington. That wasn't conclusive so I went to UK Moths on the internet and I'm plumping for the Silver-ground Carpet, a lovely and dainty little moth.

I have just finished writing an enormously long piece, by my paltry standards, for the Observer on the massive growth of interest in moths. They are the New Birdwatching! Yo! Should be in on Sunday.


  1. Nice catch, just to say that the first Moth is a Grey Arches, that is a pretty good record well done.
    The 3rd picture down is also something different other than another Common Rustic, it is a Clouded-bordered Brindle.
    Not sure if you've had these yet so well done if you haven't.

  2. Ben Hi! Sorry only just scrolled back to this post Will update straight away Not sure I've had the Grey Arches I've just done a check-list, so I'll check. I so much appreciate your expertise All v best M

  3. Hi again Ben

    Just checked and I have had both, although only in the last year. All best again M (for Mis-identifier)
