
Friday, 20 August 2010

Lady bountiful

Two common but interesting moths this morning. The first, looking here like a Grand Duchess out shopping in her winter gown accompanied by a small page, is a Dun-bar, a species notable for inconsistencies in its colouring. Even more varied are examples of the Common and Lesser Common Rustic, related species which can only be told apart, according to my advisers Messrs Waring, Townsend and Lewington, by examining their genitalia. I haven't got that scientific yet. The two moths here on the background of one of our strange pinkish paving stones, are both CRs or LCRs, despite their superficial difference in pattern and colour. These variations or lack of them also occur, of course, in Homo sapiens. Penny and I went out for fish and chips last night during what happened to be the qualifying time for the £8.25 Pensioners' Extravaganza, and we were observing how once people develop white hair and wear specs, they can be as hard to tell apart as Common and Lesser Common Rustics.

Finally, P had doubts about whether I should include the photo below, on the grounds of obscurity and irrelevance. But I have been trying to mend our lovely Moon teapot's broken lid with superglue. It works until you try to scrub out the tannin stains along the otherwise very discreet cracks. Then it comes apart again, leaving strange shapes of solidified glue, including this one, which looks just like a very small butterfly perching on a twig. At least, I thought so. Sorry about all my metaphors and descriptions; the results of too much journalism. But you can maybe also see the complexity of my repair task, via the blurred lid fragments in the background.

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