
Wednesday, 3 June 2009

I've got my eyes on you

I'm giving the moths a break for a few days, after catching several of the same ones two or three nights running. I'm not sure what the scientific wisdom is on this, but I guess that a spell of successive visits to the trap leaves them feeling the same as we did as students, after too much partying.

Here, meanwhile, is an image which I just had to pass on. Not taken by me, needless to say. It's from the picture library at the Natural History Museum in London which is running an excellent attraction called the Butterfly Jungle until 27 September - open daily, 10am - 6pm (last admissions 5pm), see

A friend's been and much enjoyed it. He sent me a set of postcards including this, which is the head of a Small Tortoiseshell butterfly magnified more than 25 times. Scary and hairy, eh, but stunning what intricacies there are in a passing, short-lived and common, although very beautiful, insect.


  1. Just came across your blog Martin, its beautifully written well done!
    I see you write for the Gaurdian our paper of choice so you're a doubly good man! Please continue to keep the Gaurdian Sport moderately easy to read 'cause I force my 10 year old to read the football section through every Monday. I'll continue to follow your blog!



  2. Hi Nick - thanks v much for kind comments - I'm v chuffed at the mo cos someone else has put a nice comment on the entry below. I don't like it when it says Comments 0
    Thanks for buying the G and bringing on the next generation - I'll pass on your comments to Sport. Actually, I'm afraid I'm not a great sport reader cos I was born without that gene. I think it was replaced with a moths one. Warm wishes, Martin

  3. the profole photo I think was taken in class of 59 at Caledfryn -un-Rhos secondary school Denbigh because it looks like I am in it also next to you on your left. the moths also nibbled at my original photo. that cost me sixpence with three bust photos.

  4. Hi Life in Egypt! Sorry, I've only just come across your message while scrolling back idly, now that the blog is pretty much finished for this year.
    I'm very flattered about the pic. I always did look young (did...) but I was 18 in that pic, which is matriculation at Merton College, Oxford, 1968 when we were all revolutionaries, alrthough even then I was interested in moths.

    Warm wishes

